Page 100 of On the Plus Side

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No.Everly refused to follow that line of thought. Logan had never given her a reason to question him before. She wouldn’t start now, no matter how freaked out she was. He was in that footage, too. This would be just as bad for him. He’d be on her side. The same way he always was.

There was a knock at the door, and then his rough voice, muffled by the wood, saying her name.

She rushed forward and threw it open.

He was already talking when he stepped inside. “I’m so sorry. The sitter was late and then traffic was a nightmare. My phone died, andRavioli had chewed through the cord on our last trip to the vet so I couldn’t charge it—” Leaning in for a kiss, he paused, his eyes scanning Everly’s face. “What?” Her silence pushed him back a step, and he spotted Becca and Everly’s mom standing beside the couch, their expressions stricken. “What’s going on?”

Everly’s mom pursed her lips. “We were hoping you could tell us.”

“Mom. Logan didn’t do this.” Everly nodded toward the open door. “But he and I need to talk.”

Logan’s brow dipped deep into a furrow. “Do what?”

“Come on, Penny.” Becca hooked arms with her mother-in-law. “We’ll give them some privacy. I have those Girl Scout cookies you love at the house.”

Everly’s mother glared at Logan as they passed.

Becca gave Everly’s arm a supportive squeeze on the way out.

Thank you,Everly mouthed. The last thing she needed right now was another audience. Especially one that included her mother.

When they were gone, she rested her back against the closed door. Suddenly, she was bone tired, like she hadn’t slept in days.

“Everly, what’s happening?” Logan approached her. His arms were open, but they were too far apart to embrace.

“You haven’t seen tonight’s episode yet, right?”

He shook his head. “We were supposed to watch it together.” His hands dropped to his sides. “What did Sady do now?”

“What about the promo for Thursday? Have you seen any of that?”

“No.” He moved close enough to gently clasp her wrists. “Why the interrogation?”

She took a deep breath. Just thinking about that footage tightened her muscles as if they might fold in on themselves. She’d never wanted to disappear this badly. Not even when she’d quit the Collective.

“The promo has footage from Friday at Kisses and Hugs.”

“You trying stuff on?”

“No. Footage from our lunch.” She blinked rapidly against a new wave of tears. “From the dressing room.”

“Wait.” Realization dawned on his face. “Like you and me?” Wide-eyed, he watched her nod. “Are you fucking serious? She put that on TV?” His jaw flexed. “Allof it?”

“It was only a quick clip in the promo, but it showed us making out, and then you untying the top of my dress.”

“What thefuck?”

“Here.” Everly grabbed the remote and clicked back to the show. She rewound the last three minutes of the newest episode and hit Play. Then she turned away. She didn’t want to re-experience the visceral horror of seeing herself in such a compromising position. Instead, she studied Logan. With each second that passed, his frame grew tauter.

When the promo was over, she hit the TV’s Power button, her stomach lurching.

Logan’s expression was hard as stone. He stood so rigidly that she was afraid he might crack if she touched him.

“How would she have gotten that?” she asked quietly.

“I have no clue. I didn’t give it to her. I would never film us like that. You know that, right?”

“Of course I know that.”
