Page 103 of On the Plus Side

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She stared at it for a long moment, then turned to him. “You could lose your job, if this goes sideways. And what about Sundae’s Sanctuary? What if you can’t find something else that gives you the time and money you need for it?” Everly refused to be the reason he couldn’t get this project off the ground.

Logan leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Brian and I will figure it out. I won’t stand by while she does this to you.”

“To us.”

He kissed her lips this time. “To me, you’re what matters.”

Everly dropped her head against his chest. “I’m so sorry you have to do this. I know she’s important to you,” she said into his plaid shirt. Gray and black this time. The perfect color scheme for their somber mood.

“My relationship with Sady isn’t what I think it is if she’d do this tous.” Placing his knuckle beneath Everly’s chin, he raised her face to his. “More importantly, I don’t know if you know this, but I’m falling in love with you. Hard. So when I say you’re what matters, I mean it.”

Everly peered at him. Tears blurred her vision. It had been such a long, emotional night. She hadn’t been able to predict how it would end, but she’d never expected this. More support than she’d planned for. A profession of love that literally curled her toes.

She imagined drawing him, right in this moment. The way the overhead lights lit fires in his irises, how affection carved lines into the corners of his eyes and mouth. The love on his face was plain. She wished she could capture it. Use that drawing as a confession of her own.

But she didn’t have her charcoal pencil or her paper. All she had were words. He deserved to hear them. “I’m falling in love with you, too. I’m pretty sure I have been since the first day you grumped your way into my life.”

Logan gave her that same expression he had the day they’d met. The one that, at the time, she’d struggled to read. Now she could parse every inch of it.

Setting her laptop aside, Logan brought his face to hers again. The weight of his body urged her down into the couch, and, as he settled on top of her, he kissed her into oblivion.


Logan gripped his camera in one of his hands.

His other hand held tightly to Everly’s.

Together, they strode through the lobby of New Mood Media’s Boston offices. Logan’s face was full of stony determination, and he navigated the cubicles and hallways with the confidence of someone who’d spent a lot of time there. It reminded Everly how long he’d worked with Sady, and what it meant that he was willing to put that at risk for Everly.

If the showrunner wouldn’t listen to reason, Logan had a lot to lose as well. Typically, as a cameraman, he was hidden. Invisible. Untouched by everything that could befall a guest on reality TV. But if Sady aired this footage, it could tarnish his reputation, too. He was trying to get a nonprofit off the ground. What if potential investors didn’t want to be associated with someone who’d hooked up on TV? There’d be no way for anyone to know Everly and Logan hadn’t consented to it being filmed. Or being aired.

Her fingers pressed deeper into his palm, and their eyes locked. Heoffered her a small, bracing smile. A promise that, whatever happened, they were doing it together.

They stopped at Sady’s office at the back of the suite. A redheaded girl sat at a desk near the door as if she were guarding it.

“Chrissy,” Logan said with a nod as they approached. Behind her assistant, through the glass, Sady was visible, her back to them, and her phone pressed to her ear.

Just seeing her caused Everly’s heart to roar.

“Hey, Logan.” Chrissy glanced at her computer screen. “She’s pretty booked today…”

“She’s going to make time.” His voice was matter-of-fact. Commanding. Strengthening his grip on Everly’s hand, he strode past the girl’s desk and shoved through the door to Sady’s office.

“I’m on a call.” There was irritation in her voice as she spun to face them. “Oh.” Her expression cleared quickly. “I’ve got to call you back,” she mumbled into the phone. Then she hung up and dropped the device on her desk. “Hey, you two, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

Logan released Everly’s hand so he could heft the camera on his shoulder and steady it. He pointed the lens at Sady.

The showrunner’s eyes narrowed. “What are you doing?”

“Collecting proof.”

“Everly, what’s wrong?” Sady’s tone and expression were all innocence and confusion, but it couldn’t possibly be genuine. She couldn’t be naïve enough to think that Everly would be on board with having her privacy completely violated.

Everly folded her arms over her chest. “You can’t air that footage from Kisses and Hugs.”

Sady’s lips pressed together. “Take a seat.” She flicked her gaze to Logan. “And for Christ’s sake, Logan, put that thing down.”

“Why?” Everly cocked her head. “Do you not like having things filmed that you’d rather people not see?”
