Page 3 of On the Plus Side

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Her stomach leapt into her throat as two people split from the group to rush at her, arms wide, ready to scoop her into a hug.

“Everly Winters!”

“Look at you, youqueen.”

Their embrace was inviting and warm, two sets of arms squeezing her tight. One of them smelled like strawberries and cream, the other like a summer day at the beach, and someone’s shirt pressed to her cheek, blanket soft.

When they finally stepped back to appraise her, her knees and hands were trembling.

Everly wanted to lie down on the floor. “What… how…?What?” She didn’t realize she was crying until she rubbed at her eyes with her palms, and they came back wet.

Was this a dream? That was the only way to explain how the hosts ofOn the Plus Sidewere standing in front of her right now. Somehow, they’d stepped out of her TV into her real life, and they knew her name. The realization made her head fuzzy, and her chest felt too full.

As Everly glanced around in disbelief, the details of her surroundings sharpened, as if it were the other way around, andshe’dstepped through a hi-def screen like a modern-day Alice in Wonderland.

Her mouth had lost the power to form words.

This couldn’t be real.

She repeated that over and over in her head as her hero, Jazzy Germaine, took Everly’s hands and said the catchphrase Everly had never expected to hear in real life: “Everly Winters, will you let self-love in?”



OTPSfan23456over two years ago

I don’t know if there’s anyone else in here but I needed somewhere to go after watching the first episode of OTPS. I’m a bit of a reality TV junkie—there’s not much else to do in my tiny town—but this show is like nothing I’ve ever seen. It seems more “real,” if that makes sense? Probably not. Lol

I guess this is what people mean by seeing yourself in a piece of art or a book or whatever. All the things Jazzy and Stanton were saying about being fat in the world, I felt them all. It’s the first time in a long time I’ve felt normal, not like this person who lives slightly outside everyone else’s plane of existence. It makes me wish I knew more fat people.

I’ll stop babbling into the void now.

TL;DR: I loved the first episode and I wish there were a hundred more shows like it.

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Annette98over one year ago

Hi friend! Everything you wrote here speaks right to my SOUL!!!!! The premiere was EXCELLENT. OMG. I will fight anyone (WITH SWORDS) who tries to take this beauty off the air.

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KelseyR0305over one year ago

omg I thought I was the only one who felt this way

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RosyTeaover one year ago

i officially declare you all my people
