Page 4 of On the Plus Side

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“Holy fuck.”

Those were the first words that popped out of Everly’s mouth when she finally peeled her hands from her face.

On the Plus Sidehad two hosts: Stanton Bakshi, who focused on the guest’s career and lifestyle, and Jazzy, who consulted on appearance. Together they tried to give the show’s participants a true makeover, transforming every part of their life.

Everly loved them both, but Jazzy had always been her favorite. She was funny and smart and stylish, and her ability to look at a guest and instantly understand how to bring out all their best qualities was truly an art.

Now she was standing in front of Everly, probably doing that exact same thing to her.

How was this happening? And toEverlyof all people.

“Holyfuck,” she muttered again.

Somewhere nearby, a frustrated groan broke through the shock that had left her ears ringing. “There goes that take.”

Everly cut her gaze toward the gruff voice. It came from a guy standing slightly apart from the rest of the group, an expensive-looking camera balanced on his shoulder. He’d angled it to the side so he could judge her with his whole face. Whatever he saw caused his frown to deepen beneath his dark, close-trimmed beard.

Jazzy sighed. “Logan, they can bleep it out.”

“Get this man a trash can and glue some green fur on him,” Stanton declared.

A laugh burst from Everly’s mouth. With her two idols standing in front of her, she was too excited to hold it back, and the sound bounced loudly off the walls around them, drawing people’s eyes.

If her mother were here, she’d be cringing and apologizing. Everly’s cheeks flushed. “Logan the Grouch?” she asked more quietly.

Stanton shook his head. “Oh, honey, you have no idea.”

The description was fitting. She’d been in the camera guy’s presence for half a second, and already, she could picture him as the grumpy green puppet.

Except with a killer jawline and piercing blue eyes.

Logan set the camera on the ground and crouched to fiddle with some of its buttons. Though he was barely two or three inches taller than her, his presence filled the small hallway. Maybe it was the breadth of his shoulders and arms: he was the kind of broad Grandma Helen would have said was meant for carrying oxen, his muscles challenging the give of his navy-and-white-checkered flannel with every movement.

Hefting the equipment back on his shoulder, he approached the group, close enough that Everly caught the pine-y, wintry scent wafting off him, like he’d just stepped out of a forest. This guy was basically an urban lumberjack. Or a woodsy metrosexual. Whatever the term was for an attractive, bearded, plaid-donning dude who was not presently chopping up trees.

“You know our format means fewer opportunities for edits,” he said to Jazzy.

On the Plus Sideaimed for a more “documentary” style of reality TV. It only had four guests per season and showcased each for eight episodes, airing as they filmed to keep things as raw and realistic as possible.

Jazzy’s burnished brown eyes only glinted with more amusement at his scolding tone. “I’ve also seen plenty of censoring done when needed.”

Everly snapped her gaze back and forth between them. She’d been so awestruck by the sudden appearance ofOn the Plus Side’s hosts that she hadn’t even considered what their presence (accompanied by this plaid-covered man and his camera) meant. “Wait, you’re already filming?”

This was the biggest thing that had ever happened to her. She’d be watching her episodes on repeat for the rest of her life. They had to give her a minute to get ready, right? At least to run a brush through her hair (had she done that this morning before stumbling out the door in a caffeine-deficient haze?) and catch her breath?

She smoothed down the front of her dress as if her hands had suddenly developed the power to eliminate wrinkles.

Look out, Marvel. Here comes your next superhero: Iron(ing) Girl.

“We’ll only use it if you sign the contract. Otherwise, it gets trashed.” A statuesque woman stepped up beside Stanton. Her hair was a sleek sheet of gold that fell to her shoulders, and her pale face was covered in a spread of freckles half hidden under thick black glasses. Unlike Everly, who carried her weight in her hips and thighs, this woman’s was mostly in her midsection.

Everly recognized her immediately from media coverage ofOn the Plus Side. Sady Sanders, the showrunner.

“Right now, all you have to worry about is saying yes,” Sady explained.
