Page 60 of On the Plus Side

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Samantha Quain, Media Desk

The lifestyle and makeover showOn the Plus Sidehas always had a knack for pushing boundaries, but on last night’s episode, they may have taken things a step too far.

Sunday’s show marked the midway point in the eight-episode arc for guest Carrie DeLuca, a fan favorite whose experiences as a plus-size child adopted by thin parents have resonated with many. After years of searching, the twenty-eight-year-old had finally found her birth mother, and the show helped her set up a meeting.

Cameras followed Carrie on her trip from Boston to Milwaukee to meet her birth mother. Their encounter was heartwarming, but interspersed between clips of their emotionalreunion were pieces of an interview the show conducted with Carrie’s adoptive mom, who broke down sobbing when she learned where her daughter was.

As it turned out, Carrie hadn’t shared the news about her birth mother yet. The show had revealed it instead.

New Mood Media has already released a statement insisting that this was all an unfortunate accident, but a lot of journalists—and fans—don’t buy it…


Who knew spreadsheets could be so damn sexy?

After the disaster that was Saturday night, there was nothing more appealing to Everly than sitting at the reception desk, lost in the company’s travel details. She had a large coffee, a bagel sandwich, and some aspirin to nurse the effects of her still-lingering hangover, and all she wanted to do on this Monday morning was find the perfect color coding system for these columns and rows.

Overflow text never judged her for her decisions. Pivot tables didn’t see her as too much. It was like a portal to a new world: one of numbers and formulas and linear boxes, where everything made sense, and James and Logan and what had happened at Harry’s didn’t exist.

Tabbing back to her email, she pulled up the itineraries for her boss’s next trip. As she transferred over confirmation numbers and other details, her brain sank into a blissful emptiness for the first time since she’d climbed into bed Saturday night.

James’s expression when he’d admitted to nominating her, Logan leaning in to kiss her, Logan’s hands as he held her, Logan’s lips on hers,Logan’s face as she’d run away: the memories had cycled over and over in her mind while she tossed and turned. Then, for a change of pace, she’d begun to panic about what might end up on the show. How would Sady spin it?

It was a miracle she’d gotten any rest this weekend.

After about two hours of focused clicking on the December spreadsheet, she managed to achieve a pink ombré pattern that she was absolutely certain her boss would make her remove as soon as he saw it. But for now, she leaned back in her chair to admire her work. Maybe it could be a nice overture to a conversation about moving her to Design. A first step toward more than she’d let herself have in a long time.

Across from Everly, the front entrance to the office opened. Her welcoming smile froze on her face as she glanced up.

Framed in the doorway was Logan, his camera hanging at his side.

In an act of self-preservation, the first thing Everly had done when she’d dragged herself out of bed this morning was check the production call sheets. According to them, she wasn’t due back on camera until the show shipped her off to Boston. She was supposed to have another two days to prepare herself to face him—and the fact that she’d initiated that kiss (at least verbally) and then ran away. “What are you doing here?”

The weight of his gaze turned her muscles to rubber. “Sady told me to come in and get some extra footage.”

“Do you do everything she says?” Everly’s voice was harsh. Her head teemed with so many worries about that night at Harry’s and what might have ended up on camera that the mere mention of Sady’s name was enough to turn her into a series of sharp points and edges.

“She’s my boss, so yes.”

Everything about him was so even, so monotone (except for his loud orange-and-green plaid shirt) that it was impossible to discern histhoughts. Was he upset at Everly for running? Did he feel as awkward as she did? Did he want to turn back time and erase their kiss?

“Okay,” she mumbled.

“Do you have a problem with Sady?”

Everly sighed at her monitor. “Maybe? I don’t know.” She shrugged. “You were there this weekend filming and who knows what you caught on camera. But whatever footage you got from Harry’s is going to feed this love story she wants to turn my episodes into. And I have a problem withthat.”

His brow furrowed. “I stopped filming the dance floor the minute you kissed him. And there’s only shots of about half your conversation. You looked so upset when he admitted to nominating you that I cut it off there.”

Everly’s cheeks warmed. That was still more than she would have liked to be on film, but it could have been so much worse. Logan had protected her. She wanted to ask him why, but the sound of heavy footfalls from down the hall trapped the words in her mouth.

A second later, James appeared.

James, who Everly hadn’t seen yet this morning, who she’d hoped she might be spared from interacting with if she only focused hard enough on her computer. Clearly, the universe was intent upon punishing her today.

Logan’s mouth snapped shut, and his attention dropped to his camera.
