Page 59 of On the Plus Side

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“Wow.” Becca came to sit by Everly on the floor. She stretched out her legs, lightly nudging Everly’s knee with her foot.

“A real Prince Charming, huh?”

“I hope he kissed like a toad.”

Everly cracked a smile. “It wasn’t great.”

Becca leaned back on her arms. “Do you know why I fell for Ellis?”

“If you’re about to start talking about his man bits, I’m leaving.” It was probably good Becca wasn’t holding any more erasers or Everly would have certainly taken one to the head this time.

“He was the first guy I dated who ever truly made me feel like he understood me.” A soft smile spread over Becca’s face. “And it wasn’t the big things, like when he proposed to me using that graphic novel, or when he brought Cream Cheese home despite how much that cat hates him. It was the tiniest moments. Like how he makes sure to find out if an animal dies before we watch any movie, because he knows I will completely fall apart. Or how he does meal prep the week of my period because he knows my anxiety spikes and I can’t make decisions. None of my quirks, the things that feel messy to me, were ever flaws to him. They were just part of who I was. And he’s always loved all of me.”

Everly grimaced. “He’s all right, I guess.” She joked around with Becca about it, but she could listen to her best friend talk about her brother forever. They worked in a way that Everly had never seen in another couple.

Becca rolled her eyes. “I feel like you tend to pick guys who don’t see you. I was really hoping maybe James was different since he was all about your art, but if he thinks you need a whole TV show to survive his rejection, he doesn’t know how strong you are.”

Everly hadn’t felt strong in a long time. Not since Grandma Helen died. But the way she’d handled James tonight made her wonder if maybe that was changing.

Ifshefinally was.

“You deserve an Ellis.” Becca threw up a hand before Everly could react. “Not literally. But someone that sees all of you, Ev. And loves you for it.”

Everly’s thoughts drifted back to that conversation with Logan at her mom’s house. The light he’d said she had. And then to the way he’d kissed her tonight, matching her energy, her need, with his own.

If anyone saw her, it was him. His footage from the show kept proving that again and again.

As if reading her mind, Becca wagged an eyebrow. She had such a youthful face that she looked like a ten-year-old trying to tell a dirty joke. “So… what about that other kiss?”

Everly’s face was instantly on fire. “A very different story.”

“Yes.” Becca actually pumped a fist in the air, like Everly’s love life was a sports game and her team was winning. “Tell me everything. What happened after you kissed?”

Everly averted her eyes. “I ran away.”

Becca groaned.

“I know.” Everly buried her face in her hands. “I panicked. I had just dealt with all that stuff with James, and I was a mess.”

Becca tapped Everly’s leg with her foot. “Tell him that. This is salvageable.”

“It doesn’t matter anyway. I can’t be with him.”

“Why not?”

“I’m supposed to be focusing on myself. How can I do that if I’m endlessly worried about scaring him away?”

“Or.”Becca gave Everly a slightly less gentle kick this time. “Being around him will help you grow even more. That’s what happened with me and Ellis.”

Everly couldn’t fight with that. She’d seen the many ways her brother and best friend made each other better. And though it scared Everly to admit it, she knew, deep down, that Logan had already been good for her.

With no more excuses to hide behind, her fear was her only roadblock. And she’d promised herself, when she decided to doOTPS,that she would stop being so afraid to take a risk.

The moment her lips had met Logan’s, she’d set the runaway roller coaster down the track. The risk had already been taken. Now she’d have to ride it out.

Starting with facing him next week at filming.

