Page 3 of Keep Me Close

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“So, what you need is a guy who will make you describe sex as life-changing, rather thanfine…I guess,” she teases out my quote. Then she spots a man of interest. “Bodybuilder, nine o’clock.”

I roll my eyes and look. “His neck is bigger than his head.”

“Is that a problem?”

“Not my type.”

“What is your type?”

I sigh and think back to my college boyfriends. “Athletic, but not a giant boulder like that guy. Maybe a little…unrefined—

“Dumb. You were gonna say dumb, right?”

A laugh pops out. “I don’t know. Maybe?”

Olive huffs. “You’re describing all the jocks in college who bored you. That’s why you never dated them seriously, Aria.”

“Why should I date anyone seriously? What’s the point?”

“To maybe have a guy who makes you think? Or challenges you?” Isla offers. “Maybe have one who has an IQ bigger than his biceps measurement?”

But it’s so much safer to date guys I don’t care about. No chance of getting hurt again.

“Look, that hot one has a book,” Jeanette says, pointing at him.

“Oh my god, don’t point,” I tell her, dragging her arm down. He is cute, though. Muscular—his gray sweater is tight on his broad shoulders. Black-haired. Oblivious to the debauchery around him. He sits at the bar with a rocks glass of brown liquor, and his book has a picture of mountains on it.

In short, he’s peculiar.

“Go talk to him.”

“What’s the point?”

Jeanette quirks her head to the side and squints at me. “To. Get. Laid. Go on!”

“No. I came here for a fun night out with my girls. Not to get laid or spend time with some guy I don’t even know.”

“You’re hopeless. Fine. I’ll go talk to him—

“Don’t bother him, Jeanette,” Isla says. “He’s here to read and have a drink. Which isn’t that far off from what we’re here for. Grab a dart and get in the game.”

“You three should grab some ass and get in the game.”

I settle on the only thing that will take her mind off of Book Guy. “How about another round of shots?”

She arches a perfectly manicured brow. “Only if I get to pick them.”

“Fine, but no—

“Kamikazes, bitches!” She dashes to the bar.

“You did this to us,” Olive says harshly.

“I don’t want her to bother that guy, and it might get her to calm down a little.”

They both laugh at me. Isla mocks, “Calm her down? Did you really just say that?”
