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“Shut up.” I punch his arm. He retaliates by grabbing my wrists and holding them hostage in his grip. I squirm to release them, but his hands are stronger than my arms. “Elijah!” I squeal as Jessica walks in.

She glowers at me, and Elijah immediately releases my wrists.

“Steven and I are going to Margaret’s for the night for their annual party. Go help Steven outside, please.”

Elijah immediately obeys and walks out of the dining room.

“Hi, Jessica,” I say, attempting to alleviate the unwanted tension in the room.

“Taylor, you really need to get a mini fridge for your room. Those rats are starting to creep me out in the freezer.” She stands completely rigid, her bright glossy lips purse in displeasure.

“Sure, I can do that,” I say, rubbing my wrists. “So, party tonight? That sounds fun. Who’s Margaret?”

“A friend.” She walks out of the room in a huff, leaving me to wonder what the heck just happened.

I meet everyone outside as Dad attempts to hang a gigantic mechanical spider above the garage. He stands on his tiptoes at the very last step of the ladder, his left hand holding onto the roof while his right hand works on hooking the beast. Levi hangs ghosts wearing little homemade hockey jerseys that look like they were strewn by a five-year-old. He seems proud of his work, though.

Olive and Stephanie place little fake graves and skeleton hands in the lawn, watching Levi from behind. I help them pull more skeletons and assemble a 6-foot-tall Frankenstein for the lawn. After the house is decorated, we go back in the kitchen and send the boys out to get burgers for everyone.

Levi and Elijah come back with five bags of fast food and dump the burgers and fries across the counter for everyone to dig in. Dad and Jessica grab one before heading out for the evening wearing a matching Daphne and Fred costume from Scooby Doo.

“That’s so cute,” Stephanie says after they leave. “I wish I had a boyfriend to wear matching costumes with.” Her side eye to Levi isn’t subtle, but I admire her efforts.

Levi jogs back to the Jeep, coming back with two cases of beer. “I didn’t want them to see this,” he says sheepishly.

“Aren’t you 21?” I ask as he sets down the cases.

“Yeah, but still. I don't want to disappoint Steven.”

Elijah rolls his eyes and cracks open the case. Olive and Stephanie grab two each and shot gun them. “So, are we throwing a party on Halloween night, or what?” Olive says, burping up beer.

Levi looks her up and down as she does. Maybe he’s into that. He then eyes Stephanie when she’s not looking.Now I'm invested.

“We are?” Elijah asks, setting down his beer. “Is your dad okay with that?” He looks at me.

“Erm, yes, he told us last night.” I take a big bite of a burger, not realizing how hungry I am.

“Oh, cool,” he says, tossing me a beer. I crack it open and take a sip. It tastes like cheap piss, making me cringe, but it's oddly nostalgic of high school so I take another drink. I'm just glad that Elijah seems to be in a good mood. I remember him loving Halloween as much as me when we were together.

“We should all wear themed costumes,” Levi says, bouncing off of Stephanie’s suggestion.

“Ehh,” Elijah and I say at the same time, then laugh. Levi unwraps another burger, which he devours in three bites. I take my beer and walk around the kitchen, admiring the little details Jessica put into the decor. As the sun sets the lights twinkle on, creating a romantic and moody atmosphere among the five of us.

I walk into the living room after grabbing another beer, feeling a slight buzz already. Elijah follows me, on his third beer. “What’re you dressing up as?” he asks as we stand by the backdoor, looking out into the cloudy night and twinkly blue lights of the pool.

“I go as a different endangered animal every year. Last year, I was a giant panda. I built a foam suit to give me a big belly and covered it in fabric. This year, I’m not sure.”

“As long as you don’t go as a fucking sexy kitty,” he scoffs.

“What's wrong with that? Hard to contain yourself around liberated women?”

“No… it's just… basic. That’s all. Although, I can see Stephanie doing something like that.”

I can't help but laugh, and slightly agree. “Has Levi ever said anything about either of them?” I ask, keeping my voice low.

“What do you mean?” he asks, sipping his drink and leaning against the back door.

I look over into the kitchen across the house to make sure they’re still preoccupied with whatever they're doing before I speak. “I don't know. Does he like either of them? In that kind of way?”
