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Makes me want to get them naked just to watch it all over again.

Once they’re both ready, Drake checks his watch for the tenth time today. It’s a little past noon, and I’ve noticed how anxious he’s been today. Then, I watch as he discreetly slips something into his pocket, and I narrow my eyes at him.

What is he up to?

The three of us make our way to the elevator, Hunter and I holding hands while Drake leads the way. If I had to guess, I’d say he’s surprising us with something fancy that likely costs a lot of money. Drake and Hunter grew up in poverty, so being able to spoil our family now means a lot to them. I think deep down, they see this as a way of taking care of us. In reality, I don’t need money or fancy trips. Just having them in my life and being fathers to my children is all I truly want.

Our family is perfect.

When we reach the casino floor, Drake gives me a smile as he takes my hand and leads me through the building. There’s something in that smile that excites me because I can tell that whatever he’s about to do,he’sexcited about it.

Instead of heading to the exit that leads to the strip, he leads us down a long stretch of the hotel until I see an open ballroom door at the end.

What on earth is going on?

“Da-da!” When I hear Austin shriek from down the hall and see her sprinting toward us, my confusion only grows.

“What the—” Hunter asks.

Austin launches herself into Drake’s open arms. Nix is close behind her, but instead of running like her wild sister, she’s bashfully tiptoeing toward Hunter.

Charlie and Emerson are standing in the open doorway smiling. Charlie sets down Weston and he waddles toward me with a goofy grin on his face, his drool covered bib covering what looks like a tiny tuxedo.

“What’s going on?” I ask as I pick up Weston, planting a kiss on his chubby cheek.

Drake doesn’t answer. He just rests a hand on my lower back and leads me to the open ballroom. I glance back at Hunter, but he looks just as confused as I am.

As we enter the ballroom, I let out a gasp.

There are rows of white chairs filling the room, and each chair is filled with our friends and family. In the middle of the room is a giant, beautiful arch covered in white flowers.

“Who’s wedding is this?” I ask, looking up at Drake.

He’s wearing a proud grin. His cheeks are red and there’s moisture in his eyes.

“It’s ours.”

“Ours?” Hunter asks. “We’ve been married for years.”

“Five years ago, I changed my name. And I know I said I wasn’t a wedding guy, but back then…I didn’t think I was a marriage guy. Or a family guy,” he adds, bouncing Austin on his hip. She giggles, her blonde curls bouncing as she latches her arms around his neck.

“You guys had the most beautiful wedding I had ever seen. And part of me has always felt bad that the three of us didn’t get that same thing. And it was my fault.”

Tears well in my eyes as I look around at all of the smiling faces in the room. Everyone from the club. My parents. Even Drake’s mother. They’re all here.

“Is this for real?” I ask, a feeling of euphoria washing over me.

Drake wraps an arm around my waist, kissing the side of my head. “Do you like it?”

With a laugh, I feel a tear slip over my cheek. “Like it? Drake, this is amazing. I never expected this.”

Hunter leans in and plants a kiss on my cheek, then Drake’s.

“This is fucking perfect.”

Nix covers his mouth with her hand. “Bad word, Daddy.”

The three of us laugh, delirious in our happiness.
