Page 78 of His Queen

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As the words of disrespect pierce the air, a tense silence settles in. I sense a shift in the atmosphere, a subtle change in the energy. I can feel Vlad’s presence beside me, his body stiffening ever so slightly. The area becomes charged with an unspoken warning as if the air itself holds its breath.

"Aldo is here. He is by my side. How do you think I was able to walk in through the front doors?"

I see the surprise on their faces. Aldo steps forward, a grin on his face. Lena by his side.

"I am the one who stood by her side and watched her end the reign of terror caused by her father. You will show her respect or you will face my wrath. The Don is dead. Long live the new Don."

As he utters the last sentence, he turns towards me and gracefully bows. My eyes well up with tears and a collective gasp fills the air. I had expected a more contentious exchange, but he effortlessly deflated the tension. The men seem displeased, yet they will unquestioningly adhere to his guidance.

“You all will be required to follow the new rules as we join forces with the Bratva, ensuring the safety of our families. We are not seeking war, but rather striving for true peace. Can each of you honestly admit that you were content with the way things were progressing?” I scan the crowd once again. “We will establish genuine harmony and adhere to the rules or face the consequence of death. Such is our way. I will not tolerate any further acts of violence among us. Vlad and I will work together, side by side, in leading our operations. I understand that this transition will take time and may come with difficulties, but we must all do our utmost. The world is evolving, and we must grow alongside it. No more human trafficking or violence inflicted upon one another. If you have any questions, please ask them now."

One leader speaks up.

“So what happens now?” a voice questioned, filled with uncertainty and apprehension. The atmosphere grew tense as the words hung in the air. A man in the middle, his arms crossed tightly against his chest, wore a scowl on his face, showing defiance.

“It’s simple,” another voice replied, firm and commanding. “You will fall in line and accept that we will be working together. If not,” there was a pause, a hint of a threat lingering, “ know what happens.”

“So just like that, we are expected to follow some whore who fucks Russians?” He said with a smirk on his face.

As I observed the scene, I could see the expressions etched on their faces, the furrowed brows, and the darting eyes. The man’s derogatory words echoed through the room, causing anger to ignite within me. I narrowed my eyes, my gaze locked onto him, and with a calculated motion, I leveled my gun, feeling its weight and coldness in my hand. Without hesitation, I pulled the trigger.

The crack of the gunshot reverberated through the room, followed by a chilling silence. The man fell to the ground, a lifeless expression frozen on his face.

“Does anyone else have anything they would like to add?” I spoke with a chilling calmness, my voice cutting through the stunned silence.

The men stood there, stunned and fear-stricken, their bodies instinctively moving away from the lifeless figure on the ground. The shock and fear were palpable in the air, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty.

“As you can see,” I continued, my voice dripping with disdain, “I will not tolerate this kind of behavior. You will either accept me as your new leader or suffer the same fate.” I sneered at them, my gaze sweeping across the room, asserting my dominance.

Deep down, I had expected this confrontation, though I had hoped to avoid it. I knew that backing down and showing weakness would only invite disaster. I couldn’t afford to be devoured by those who sought to challenge my authority.

“I won’t tolerate anyone speaking ill of me or those who support me. We must present a united front, or we will all crumble,” I declared, my voice filled with conviction.

“You don’t have the support of all the families,” a voice dared to challenge me.

“Maybe not yet,” I responded, my tone laced with confidence. “But rest assured, if you dare to attack me, you will face the full might of the Bratva.”

Vlad stepped forward, his presence commanding attention. “If you require a display of force, I urge you to take a good look around,” Vlad’s voice boomed, his words carrying weight. He granted them a moment to let his words sink in. “The Bratva is not a force to be trifled with. We have been your enemies for years, but we never once initiated an attack. Now, we have the opportunity to join forces to have peace and safety for all of our families. If you harbor any grievances, voice them now.”

The room remained silent, the tension still thick in the air. The scent of fear mingled with the smell of gunpowder, a lingering reminder of the consequences that awaited any dissenters.

“What will happen to the women that have been taken?” One man demanded, my voice cutting through the tense silence. The room was dimly lit, the air thick with anticipation.

“All the women will be returned to their homes. I will make sure of that,” I declared, my tone firm and unwavering. Their expressions a mix of fear and confusion. “There will be NO human trafficking,” I continued, my voice growing colder. “And I want to make something really, really clear. If you think this is a joke? I can assure you, you will be found and I will put you down like the dog you are.”

The courtyard fell into an uneasy silence as my words hung in the air. I could see their eyes darting around, searching for a way to escape the weight of my threat. “If you touch, harm, rape, or even threaten a woman, you will have not only your own organization after you, but the Bratva as well,” I warned, my voice laced with a lethal promise.

They stared at me, their gazes filled with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. But it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that they understood the gravity of the situation.

“So, let me get this straight,” another man continued, his voice cutting through the stillness. “We are supposed to believe that the Bratva and the mob are going to get along. And we will not be kidnapping woman anymore.”

“Not if you would like to keep your dick attached to your body,” I said, my eyes narrowing as I locked my gaze with the man in the crowd. A few heads nodded in agreement, their expressions hardened with determination. Many of these men had loved ones – wives, daughters, sisters, and mothers – who had lived in fear for far too long. But that would end now.

“You will no longer have to hide your daughters for fear that they will be forced to marry some old man or a monster that will abuse them,” I declared, my voice filled with conviction. “That tradition is done. We will have an era of peace and prosperity. It will not be easy, but if we can do this right, the benefits will outweigh the costs.”

The room remained silent, the weight of my words sinking in. There was much to discuss, and more meetings to come, but the first order of business was clear.

“We need to find out where the warehouses are and free the women,” I stated firmly. “Then I will need to talk to the other families.”
