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“How can I help?” Rithwik asked.

There was one thing that needed to be done—something that needed to be ended once and for all—before he mended things with Jiya. Rohan outlined his request to his brother, and hoped that after this, the past could be finally put to rest once and for all. He finally understood what it was that Jiya wanted from him, and he’d do his best to give her that. He’d give her everything.


Two days later, Rohan waited as Aisha opened the door of her home in Mumbai and welcomed her guests with her daughter Raisa in her arms. Her friends cooed over the baby, chatting happily as they moved further inside Rithwik and Aisha’s penthouse.

His brother’s friends spotted Rohan and froze. Raashi, Keya, and their husbands—everyone eyed Rohan warily. They shifted their gazes away from him and continued to speak pleasantly with Aisha. They’d all been friends for years, and their camaraderie was evident.

Raashi and Keya each held Raisa for a few moments before Aisha went to settle her for the night. Arnav was already asleep. Both the couples moved to Rithwik, who’d now entered the living room. Soon, they were all talking animatedly and excitedly, as he’d seen them do in the past. Every now and then, Raashi or Keya would eye Rohan before flicking their gazes away. They hadn’t known he was going to be in attendance tonight, and their discomfort was evident.

Raashi was an older version of Jiya. She had the same tip-tilted hazel eyes, except Jiya’s were more honeyed. Jiya had a slightly fairer complexion, and she smiled often while Raashi was more serious.

Situations in life shaped people as they grew up, and perhaps Raashi was the way she was because of the accident that had tragically ended her parents’ lives. She had a sister to look after, and that must have been tough on her. It had been the same for Keya. She, too, had a difficult childhood and a younger brother to care for. It was thanks to these women that their younger siblings had flourished.

While everyone around him interacted, he stood silent, happy to watch for now. It was strange that all these years, he’d never considered the background of these women, of what they had faced and what they had then achieved. But now that he’d made peace with his own past, he could look past all their differences and accept that these were women who’d braved their odds and succeeded and found love in the process. They hadn’t let their past destroy their present. They’d accepted life with both arms wide open, and he ought to learn from them and do the same.

Kabier and Sameer continued forward. Each of them offered their hands to Rohan.

Rohan spoke to Sameer, “Thank you for helping me that day.”

“Not a problem,” Sameer said. “You’re Rithwik’s brother, and if you ever need anything from us, you only need to ask.”

The warmth in his words was a pleasant surprise. Sameer definitely was aware of the antagonism between Raashi and him, yet he’d said what he had.

Seeing her husband with him, Raashi neared them. “Rohan, I didn’t know you were joining us tonight.”

Her expression was icy and hostile as she looked at him. The same went for Keya. The two women eyed him as they always did—like he was going to ruin something for them. And maybe it was time to acknowledge his own fault in this situation.

“Actually, I asked Rithwik and Aisha to invite you all,” Rohan began.

Raashi pushed her hair from her face. She alternated her gaze between Aisha, Rithwik, and him, looking baffled. “I don’t understand.”

“We need to talk,” Rohan explained. “You, me, and Keya.”

“About what?” Keya asked.

“We’ve been at odds since a long time, and I want to fix that.”

Raashi and Keya exchanged a worried look.

“No offence, but neither of us trusts you, Rohan,” Raashi began. “We’re both wondering what you have up your sleeve now. This sounds planned and too convenient.”

“I only want to talk; that’s it.”

Raashi narrowed her eyes at him. “Why now? Why, after all these years, when you’ve only ignored us?”

Of course, they’d be suspicious. He’d expected that. Years of formality, prejudice, and intolerance did that.

He looked at all four of them. “I’m in love with Jiya, and I—”

“—just stop right there,” Raashi fumed. “I knew it. You always have an agenda.”

“No, Raashi. You need to hear me out, please.”

“What I need is for you to be far away from my sister,” Raashi stormed. “She’s no match for you.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Raashi. I met my match with her.”
