Page 1 of Temptation

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10 years ago


Sheena Sehgal wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. “I can’t watch this. They’re going to die. I’m sure of it.”

Her friend Raashi chuckled. “Are you crying? Already? It’s not even the ending yet.”

“Oh, please. She’s a softie,” Keya, Sheena’s other best friend, remarked.

“Enough, you both,” Sheena said, flopping on her bed. Her friends ignored her and concentrated on the screen. Her mind was definitely not on the movie. It was on something else. Actually,someoneelse. Her phone beeped with a message. Her heart flipped as she read it.

“I hope we’re on for our date tonight.”

Her lips curved as she typed,“Yes.”

“I’ll pick you up from the corner at the side of your house. Can’t wait to be with you.”

Her pulse skittered as she read his reply. She tucked her phone into her pocket and stared at her friends. She couldn’t do this without their help.

The three of them were doing their usual Friday night sleepover at Sheena’s house. As always, they were in her bedroom, pizza boxes strewed on the floor, popcorn in their hands and a movie playing on the TV. The setting in her room was cosy and warm—Raashi had spread cushions on the floor and was cuddled there, Keya had made the bean bag her personal throne, and Sheena was reclining on her bed. She cherished nights like these. Spending time with her girls was the highlight of her week.

Five years ago, the three of them had enrolled at a boarding school in Dehradun. Her grandfather, Janak Sehgal, had introduced her to Keya and Raashi on their first day of school. He’d been friends with their grandparents and had hoped that the three of them would get along, too. That one meeting had changed the course of her life. She couldn’t thank her grandfather enough for this gift of friendship he’d bestowed on her.

She smiled, thinking of that time. But now, school was officially over and they had all enrolled in different colleges in Mumbai to study. Sheena was studying psychology, Raashi was into business management, and Keya was studying computer engineering. These girls were the reason she had opted not to study abroad and stay here in Mumbai instead.

The three of them now had different sets of friends in their respective colleges. They were all mostly busy during the weekdays with those friends, attending college and with their various assignments. However, they ensured that they spent time together on the weekends.

Tonight was one such night, with a slight difference—it was going to be extra special. Tonight, she was going on her first-ever real date. Her heart thumped in anticipation.

“I don’t want to watch this emo drama,” Sheena grumbled aloud. “Let’s do something crazy and wild instead.”

Raashi shook her head. “No, thank you. Keya and I are fine watching this film.”

“Yes,” Keya concurred. “I’m still reeling from the last time you forced us to becrazy and wild.”

“Forced?” Sheena scoffed. “Dancing in that water fountain at school was your dream. Don’t complain now, after I helped you fulfil it.”

“And got us almost expelled in the process!” Keya shuddered.

“Almostbeing the keyword, babe!” Sheena smiled.

Keya pointed a finger at her. “You instigated me. You are a bad…bad influence.”

“So bad,” Raashi agreed. “You were the one who snuck in vodka on the last day of school. You got us to drink all those shots, and then you encouraged her to go dancing in the damn fountain.”

Sheena smiled, remembering that crazy night. “It was such a fun night.”

Raashi chuckled. “It was a wild night. I still remember the look on that watchman’s face as he came after us, shining a torch in the rain. The way we ran from him—so hilarious.”

Keya laughed. “I think Sheena slipping on a wet patch of mud and having muck all over her was the highlight of the night.”

“Sure it was, for you,” Sheena said. “For me, not so much fun to be covered in wet dirt. Yuck. In looking out for you, I ended up being dunked in filth.”

“See, there’s the princess we know,” Keya said. “She does come out to play at times.”

Sheena threw a popcorn at her. Keya laughed, easily dodging the small kernel. A cushion landed on Sheena’s face. She glared at Raashi, who was laughing in full earnest at Sheena’s shocked expression. Sheena lifted a cushion and tossed it at Raashi and then one at Keya. It hit them square on their faces. Raashi cursed. Keya swore.
