Page 2 of Temptation

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Sheena howled with laughter. Soon, they were throwing popcorn and cushions at one another, laughing excitedly. God! She loved these girls. They meant the world to her.

“Am I interrupting something?”

All of them froze. Together, their heads swivelled to face the door. Sheena’s elder brother, Kabier, was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed in front of him, looking very amused.

Sheena threw him a glower. “Privacy is a thing, you know. Can’t you knock?”

“I did knock.” He tipped his head in the direction of her friends. “You, apparently, didn’t hear me.”

His honey-brown eyes searched the room, taking in the pizza boxes littered on the floor, the empty Coke cans thrown about, the popcorn kernels spread everywhere, and the messy quilt on the bed.

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Yes, Mr. Cleanliness Freak, my room is a mess, I know.”

He raised his hands in the air. “I didn’t say anything.”

“You didn’t need to,” she shot back.

Older to her by three years, Kabier was a bit much of everything—too responsible, too clean, too intelligent…too everything. He even looked too fabulous. Every girl within a foot of his vicinity was always swooning over him. Ugh, he was perfect, while she was exactly the opposite of him in every way—wild, carefree, and fun. They’d always been close, but of late, he’d been monitoring her like a hawk. It was like he’d suddenly noticed that she’d grown up and decided that he needed to have a say in her life.

As if sensing her annoyance, his lips quirked. His eyes skipped over her and fell on Raashi. His gaze shifted quickly from Raashi, landed on Keya, and paused. Keya studied him for a long moment before she switched her attention to the TV, seeming absolutely uninterested in him.

Sheena’s brows popped. Well, this was unexpected. Her brother was handsome, there was no denying that. Every girl gaped at him open-mouthed the first time they saw him, just like Raashi was doing now. But Keya wasn’t even looking at him. Strange.

She shook her head, focusing on her brother. “What do you want, Kabier?”

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?” he asked, confidently striding into her room as if he owned it. He looked dressed to go out, and her mother was already at a party, as she well knew. Hence, it would be better to get this over with so he could be gone, and she could move on to her plan.

She pointed at Raashi first. “This is Raashi, and that is Keya. Girls, Kabier.”

Raashi smiled at him, while Keya waved, her eyes still on the TV.

“You both are Sheena’s closest friends, and I’m surprised we’ve never met before this,” Kabier said.

It wasn’t that surprising, actually. He studied in London, while Sheena and her friends had been in Dehradun, in school, all this while. Sheena met her brother mostly on vacations either here or in some other part of the world. But she did speak to him often on the phone, and that’s how he knew the names of her closest friends.

“Sheena speaks a lot about you,” Kabier continued. His eyes flicked from Raashi to Keya, who suddenly looked far too interested in the film.

“Only good things, we hope,” Raashi chirped.

Sheena watched anxiously as Kabier took his time interacting with her friends. He asked about their colleges and the degrees they were pursuing. While Raashi spoke to him like she normally did, Keya was too closed and responded only in monosyllables.

Kabier’s eyes narrowed on Keya one last time before he addressed Sheena. “I’m going out for a bit.”

“Hot date, brother?” Sheena intoned naughtily.

He ignored her and chose not to give away the obvious answer, which was a big, loud yes. Somehow, Kabier thought it was perfectly alright for him to date a number of girls, but she was too young to date anyone. Ugh…elder brothers sucked, big time.

“I believe Mom is going to be late tonight as well,” he stated. “Will you be alright on your own?”

“I’m almost eighteen, Kabier. I’m not eight. Besides, these two are staying the night.”

He sighed. “Just don’t get into any trouble, okay?”

He gave her a pointed look and a quick wave to her friends before he left, shutting her room door behind him.

“Damn, you didn’t tell us he’s in town,” Raashi said. “And that he’s hot. Isn’t he, Keya?”

“Hmm,” Keya dismissed.
