Page 10 of Temptation

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“The Rajiv Mehra?” Raashi asked.

“Yes!” Her friends’ refusal to believe her was beginning to irk her.

Keya studied Sheena. “Are you sure it was him and not someone else?”

“It washim.”

“Then why would he enter your house through the back door?” Raashi asked, still looking unconvinced.

“Who knows? As per him, he does things because he can. Such an arrogant asshole.” Rajiv Mehra’s face popped into Sheena’s mind, and a shudder ran down her.

She chewed her lip. It had been an hour since he’d left the party. A further half an hour since she’d escaped and finally made it to Keya’s home. And yet, her heart rate hadn’t returned to normal. That man was too arrogant, too confident, and too full of himself. As a rule, she stayed away from men like him. As a rule, she stayed away from men in general. Thus, he shouldn’t have had any impact on her whatsoever, yet there was something about him that was so…so… God. She couldn’t explain it. He was…he was simply too much.

The way he dominated the room he was in. The way he made her breath catch. The way he’d held her to him. The way his scent still lingered in her nostrils as if she couldn’t get it out of her system no matter how hard she exhaled and inhaled.

Rajiv Mehra was definitely a force by himself. He didn’t conform and he didn’t do what was expected. He did what he wanted, and the world could go to hell. She didn’t like him one bit. Fuck. Then why was she still thinking about him long after he was gone? Why did her waist feel like it was still scorching from the imprint of his hands?

She focused on her friends. The three of them were seated around Keya’s dining table, various kinds of deserts spread in front of them.

Keya looked at her. “Did you know who he was when you stabbed him?”

“No, and I didn’t stab him. It was a slight cut, nothing else. It wasn’t even bleeding when I saw him later. I checked.”

“You checked…hmmm,” Keya smiled, exchanging a glance with Raashi. Amusement was etched on both her friends’ faces.

“What?” Sheena stopped twirling the spoon on her plate and looked at them. “Why are you both looking at me like that?”

Keya shifted her chair. “You’re looking too agitated, babe. What exactly happened between you two?”

“I’ve already told you everything,” Sheena grumbled.

Raashi chuckled. “You’re cute when you’re ruffled like this. But we all know that you didn’t tell useverything.”

Sheena opened her mouth to argue, but Keya put a spoon of chocolate ice cream inside her parted lips. God, her friends knew her too well. She swallowed the ice cream and gave Keya a glare.

Keya shrugged. “Look, keep your secrets for now. Raashi and I both know something more happened. You are clearly affected by him, as is obvious to us.”

Raashi took out her phone and started typing into it. “Let’s learn more about Rajiv Mehra, shall we?”

A spark ignited in Sheena’s belly, but she refused to admit it and accept it for what it was. “No. Let’s forget about him.”

Her friends ignored her. Keya scooted closer to peer into Raashi’s phone.

“There’s so much info on him,” Raashi remarked as she scrolled through the search results. “No social media accounts, though. Just several interviews—all magazine, none on video, and tons of photographs with glamorous, beautiful women. He definitely looks like a chick magnet. He’s gorgeous, Sheena. Though, there is not a lot of personal information available online.”

Keya gave a cheeky smile. “Well, I know a little more than what’s available online.”

“What?” Sheena asked, unable to contain her curiosity.

“Rajiv Mehra has contracted Sehgal Systems to make a software for his shipping corp,” Keya said. “He wants a central system, which, once integrated, can be accessed from his ships, the docks, ports, and his offices so he can control everything better. He’s quite sharp and intelligent, and he even attends all the requirement meetings with our team himself, and walks them through each requirement in detail. He knows exactly what he wants in the software, and I think he’s the key behind its design requirements. I was impressed with him, honestly.”

Keya had been working for Sehgal Systems at a very senior position for a while now, and Sheena was so proud of her friend. Sehgal Systems was one of the vast businesses that fell under the umbrella of the Sehgal Group—her family’s business empire.

While Keya was into software, Raashi owned two restaurants and was working to open a third. Her friends were both brilliant and doing fantastic in their chosen careers. Sheena couldn’t be prouder. They had both achieved what they had set out to… But she…she was still struggling with finding her purpose in life.

A bitter taste filled her mouth at the thought. No matter how hard she tried, Sheena just couldn’t figure out her own future.
