Page 11 of Temptation

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“The man is a media favorite,” Raashi, who was still scrolling through her phone, said aloud. She began to read, “Rajiv Mehra is the embodiment of the saying that hard work is the key to immense success. The position and power passed on to him by his mother and grandfather is a privilege granted to very few, and this man has made the most of it by not only making an already successful shipping empire even more successful, but also by diversifying into building and selling exclusive luxury yachts. With a starting price tag of a hundred million dollars, Mehra’s opulent yachts are coveted by royalty and celebrities across the world.”

Now she got where his oodles of arrogance came from. Not only was he successful and rich, he was a brilliant businessman as well. His smirking face appeared in her mind, and Sheena lost a breath. Fuck. The effect of this man hadn’t worn off despite the time and now distance between them.

“What does he look like?” Keya’s question jolted her.

Sheena licked her lips, feeling at a loss. “Umm…he was okay. Average. I’d rate him a five.”

Keya laughed. “Stop lying, babe. I have seen him on video calls, you know.”

Sheena slumped in her chair. “Fine. He was tall. His body was perfect, like just the right muscles without being stocky. And his face. Fuck, his cheekbones were like chiseled and his eyes…they were the color of fire, so beautiful. He was…he was...”

“So not a five then,” Keya prompted.

“Sounds like a ten to me!” Raashi dropped her phone on the table. “From his pictures, he definitely is a ten.”

“Alright. A ten on looks,” Sheena accepted. “But definitely a minus on his overbearing, arrogant personality.”

“Ooh, fire! That was some encounter,” Raashi said cheerily.

“Sheena’s finally met her match, it seems,” Keya agreed.

Sheena crossed her arms over her chest. “Hey, I am most certainly not arrogant and overbearing.”

“Not with us, babe,” Raashi said. “But you are a proper princess to the world at large, especially to the world you come from.”

“That world can be an asshole, like him.”

“Oh, come on,” Keya scoffed. “You’re just behaving like this because something about him clicked with you. You like him, don’t you?”

“I do not like him.” Sheena glared at her. “We did notclick. There was no clicking happening. And for something to click, we have to meet again. Which will never happen, thank you very much. I don’t even know where he lives.”

“I could tell you where he lives!” Keya wiggled her brows. “After all, I do business with him.”


“I know you want to know,” Raashi teased. “I also know where he lives. I just came off Google.”

Sheena narrowed her eyes. “I don’t want to know, nor do I care.”

“Really?” Keya gave a sweet-as-sugar smile.

She returned her friends’ stares with a glower for each. They were deliberately riling her up for no reason at all.

“Nothing happened between him and me, okay?” Sheena declared. “Stop trying to make nothing into something. Let’s change the subject.”

“Babe,” Keya started. “Stop protesting so much.”

“We get it,” Raashi said.

“We totally do,” Keya concurred. “Something definitely happened.”

“Oh, I bet on my life, it did,” Raashi said.

Her friends looked at one another and then at the exasperation on her face and burst out laughing. She threw a macaroon at them. Keya caught it and popped it in her mouth while Raashi continued laughing. Ugh. They were so annoying at times. Even the sound of the doorbell ringing didn’t make them stop laughing. Irritated with them, she got up to check the door.

She peeped through the eyehole and opened the door with a delighted smile. Her grandfather, Janak Sehgal, sauntered inside. He grasped her in a hug and kissed the top of her head.

“Hello, angel,” he said. “Where are my other two angels?”
