Page 17 of Temptation

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“Help,” she yelled. She wanted to be out of his sphere, away from his aggravating remarks and that intensity that radiated out of him, heating her up even though she was mad at him. She hated how he made her feel on edge.

She banged the lift doors again and again. But there was no sound, not even a peep from outside. She was well and truly stuck with him.

“How the hell does the generator not kick in?” she grumbled.

“It’s your hotel, Princess.”

Like that was an answer to their predicament. She scowled at him. He chuckled. It only fuelled her irritation. He crossed his legs and leaned back against the mirrored wall, looking absolutely at ease, while she was completely worked up and agitated.

She took a deep breath, calming herself. “Don’t just stand there looking amused. Do something”

“Like I said, it’s your hotel. One call and someone will come running to rescue you.”

He was right. Unfortunately, she didn’t know anyone working in the hotel. While a few minutes ago that very thought had delighted her, now she wished she knew someone, anyone, who could help her get out of this cage she was stuck in with him.

“You think if I knew whom to call, then I wouldn’t have done that already?” she countered. “Why aren’t you doing something?”

“Say please,” he said.

Her brows popped. “Excuse me?”

He stepped closer to her. She backed a step, but there was nowhere to go. He placed his hands on either side of her head, caging her to him. Her heart sped. She ought to push him away; she ought to be afraid that he was confining her like this, but all she felt was a primal thrill. She looked up at him. Their eyes locked and stayed. The amber in his eyes churned. The way he was looking at her was too intense. Too hot. It ignited something inside her. Something that was causing her skin to flush and her insides to sizzle.

He moved closer. His breath fanned her face. It was minty and fresh. She inhaled, and his delicious scent washed over her. Wood and spice. She remembered it. Her mind recalled with startling clarity the last time his hands had been on her body, curling over her waist as if he’d been unable to let go. Her heart began to somersault. Fuck. What was wrong with her.

“Just do something and get us out of here,” she finally managed to say.

“Say please, Princess,” he repeated.


“Because I want to hear the wordpleasefrom your mouth.”

She blinked. Who the hell did he think he was? How dare he make demands on her? She could not and would not be dominated by him.

Sheena rose on her toes and lifted her face up to his. She moved closer, and saw the desire for her wake up and swirl in his eyes. She revelled in that knowledge. Just when his lips were an inch away from hers, she said. “Go to hell, Asshole. I will never saypleaseto you. Ever.”

Surprise mixed with heat flared in his eyes. The amber in his gaze liquefied to molten gold. But she wasn’t going to be distracted by him. She pushed him with all her might. Caught by surprise, he stumbled backwards. The lights came on, and a second later, the lift doors opened on her floor. Without giving him a second glance, she stepped outside and flipped her long hair to the side before walking away in the direction of the banquet hall, her heart pounding.


Fuck. She was unbelievable. Once again, Sheena Sehgal had managed to outsmart him and get away from him. Rajiv was so stunned that it took him a second to realize that the lift doors had shut and he hadn’t gotten off. He pressed the button to open the lift doors and got off on the same floor as her, heading toward the banquet hall.

Sheena Sehgal was here in Dubai.Shewas here inhiscity! Why did that knowledge make him feel…excited? It shouldn’t. So, what if she was in the same hotel as he was? So, what if she also got off on the same floor? This hotel was famous for hosting several events. She could be here attending any of those. He ought to not care about her at all. He should not even feel anything for her. He ought to treat her like any other woman, but he couldn’t. The truth was that he enjoyed pushing her buttons. Seeing the pink creep on her cheeks and that flare of anger in her eyes was slowly becoming his favorite sight. Riling her up was so easy, not to mention entertaining and so very alluring.

That moment when he’d caged her in his arms, he hadn’t been able to stop the possessive need that had flared inside him. That moment when she had lifted her face to his, he’d ached for her kiss. Craved it even. Need, sharp, sudden, and intense, had thrummed in his veins, making his body harden. He’d felt…alive, as if his body was waking up from a long slumber and roaring at him to claim her for himself. Even now, when she wasn’t in his vision, that need hadn’t abated, that craving hadn’t died down.

His phone rang.

He checked the caller ID and shut his eyes. Avantika. He hadn’t spoken to her in days. Two weeks to be exact. Since he’d met Sheena Sehgal, and hadn’t been able to get her off his mind. His fist tightened on the phone as it continued to ring. But he didn’t answer it. He couldn’t. Not when the need for another woman still pulsed in his blood. Guilt flooded through him. Fuck. What was wrong with him? There was nothing to feel guilty about.

Avantika and he didn’t have an agreement. They were not dating and were definitely not in a committed relationship. The only promise he’d made to her was to be her safety net always. However, he’d decided long ago that to atone for the sins of his uncle, he would marry her at some point and give her the freedom she currently lacked. That’s why he asked her to marry him every year on her birthday. Their agreement was such that they would remain friends, and only if and when she agreed to marry him, would they get committed to one another. She’d insisted upon it. In fact, she’d told him several times that she was free to see whomever she wanted if she so desired, and so was he. And he had had several flings over the years. Not one of them had ever become more.

But Sheena—she was different. He’d known it the moment she’d held a knife to his throat, and then, when he’d held her in his arms that first time—she was the only woman who’d managed to rattle him. She made him feel more. Something more than the pure lust that was currently running in his veins for her. That’s why he had to stay away from her.

Sighing, he walked forward, rounded a corner, and found his sister, Ananya, arguing with a woman. Not just any woman.Her. Sheena. He studied her once again. Dressed in a formal navy jacket, the gold buttons left open, a cream silk shirt, and slim navy trousers, her skin clear and long hair flowing around her, she looked fabulous. Very chic and stylish.

He looked around. The hall was empty, save for the two ladies in front of him. He checked the time; the talk must have started now, and all his staff must be seated inside.
