Page 18 of Temptation

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The argument around him grew in pitch.

“I’m sure there has been some mistake,” Sheena said. “I assure you that I have been invited to this event.”

“Like I said, unless you show me the invite, I cannot let you in,” Ananya said. She was responsible for coordinating and organizing this session.

“And like I said, Professor Shetty specially invited me on the phone,” Sheena responded, her tone haughty.

There was the princess he knew she was. His mouth curved in a smile. “Is there a problem?”

Both the women turned to look at him. While Ananya looked relieved, Sheena rolled her eyes. Ananya quickly explained the situation to him.

He stepped forward. “Ananya, why don’t you go listen to the talk? I know you’ve been looking forward to it. Let me handle this.”

With a grateful nod, Ananya went inside the hall, shutting the door behind her.

“Why are you everywhere I go?” Sheena complained.

He tipped his head to something behind her. She looked to where he was pointing at and read the plaque.

Poseidon Shipping Corp. welcomes Prof. Ajay Shetty.

Her lips pursed as she understood why he was here and taking charge.

“Good, so this is your company’s function,” she said, taking a step in the direction of the door, “which means I can go inside. I don’t want to miss the talk.”

He stepped in her path. “Not so fast, Princess. Where’s your invite?”

She clucked her tongue. “I already told your colleague that the professor invited me over a phone call.”

“This is a private event. Why should I allow you to enter? For all I know, you could be a spy sent by my rivals.”

His words had the desired effect and rattled her, exactly as he’d intended. Her eyes flared, just as he knew they would. Her cheeks reddened prettily, like he’d expected. He enjoyed the sight. She wasn’t for him; he knew that. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t derive a little pleasure from teasing her as such.

“Are you out of your mind?” she scoffed. “Do I look like a spy to you?”

He shrugged. “You thought I was a thief.”

“That was a different circumstance.”

“Was it?”

“Don’t be an asshole to me just because you can,” she snapped.

“Don’t use foul words on me, or I will ban you from the event.”

“Rajiv—” she began.

Something poked in his ribcage when he heard his name fall from her lips. He watched her mouth move, barely taking in the rest of the words.

“I really do want to attend this event,” she said.

Shit! He’d been so busy gaping at her that he’d lost the first part of what she’d said.

He crossed his arms over his chest.

“Why do you so desperately want to attend this?” When she opened her mouth to argue, he held a hand up. “This is a very private, invite only event. Don’t give me any of your attitude. I want the truth or else you’re free to walk away.”

She lowered her chin a fraction. “Fine. Professor Shetty is going to be my mentor for my PhD. He asked me to come for this talk.”
