Page 23 of Temptation

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“He’s not flying out tomorrow, you know. Besides, your brother is just protective.”

“Overprotective,” Sheena sighed.

“Sweetheart, do you really think that he’s not going to show up here at some point? He’s delighted that you’ve finally taken a step ahead in your life. But he also worries about you.” Her mom’s face fell. “So do I.”

Sheena squeezed her mom’s hand and then kissed it. “I’m fine, Mom, honestly. And I am happy to be here. I have a good feeling about this city. But please, ask Kabier to give me some time. I want to be here for a few days. I want to learn to be by myself and to adapt to a new city before he shows up, behaving all elder brother like.”

Her mom’s expression relaxed. “Alright, I’ll tell him to give you some time. Now, about tonight’s function?—”

Sheena groaned. “Only you can force me to do things I don’t want to. Why can I never say no to you?”

“The same reason I can’t say no to you either. It’s because I adore you.” Her mom flicked her nose. “The Nova Group of Ladies in Dubai hosts this party every August. You know I support them. Besides, it’s just one function, for my sake, darling. You know Sara Mehra is a good friend, and maybe tonight, you can make some new friends while you’re here. Also, since you’re going to be working in her son’s office for a while, it will be rude of you to not show up with me.”

“Mom, I thought you didn’t like Aunty Sara’s son,” Sheena pointed out.

“He won’t be the only person in attendance tonight, that’s if he even does show up. Many times, he doesn’t attend.”

Sheena exhaled, feeling disappointed. Not disappointed, relieved, she amended. She wasrelievedto know that he may not be there tonight. God. She was truly losing her mind. So, what if he was there? She wasn’t concerned. She’d meet him if she had to. She ran a mental check on herself. Her nude ankle-length gown was perfect, and her makeup and hair were impeccable. Yes, she’d face Rajiv Mehra if he was there. Then why was her hand trembling? Annoyed, she curled it into a fist.

The car stopped at the side of a massive house, waiting in queue behind several other cars. Sheena took a moment to study his home as the car inched towards the entrance. Four large Roman pillars marked the portico. Surrounded by sweeping palm trees, the house itself was two storeys, made in beige brick and glass, with wide floor-to-ceiling windows. A massive black iron chandelier swung from the center of the portico, lighting the driveway. It was magnificent.

Her mom continued, “I’m leaving tomorrow, Sheena, and then the day after that, you begin your new life here, all by yourself. I’m so happy for you. I’m positive only good things are awaiting you.”

Sheena smiled. “Thanks, Mom.”

The car halted in front of the entrance, and her mom spread her hand out. “Shall we?”

The two of them climbed out of the car and stepped inside the large mansion. Sheena took in her surroundings. The house was huge, and the outer elegance matched the interior furnishings, which were top class, yet understated. Done in shades of beige, dark green and gold, everywhere her eyes looked screamed wealth and privilege. Beautiful chandeliers hung from the ceilings, expensive art adorned the wallpapered walls, rich marble with black and gold inlays lay at her feet, plush rugs in beautiful hues were spread around, and every accessory was placed strategically, but on the whole, the décor was still minimalistic and aesthetic. Glass doors separated the living room from the lawns outside, where she spotted the vibrant blue of a pool. She’d been to several elite homes, yet she was impressed by Rajiv’s simple yet elegant house.

She walked deeper inside the house. The whole place was buzzing with people. Sheena took a deep breath as she followed her mother, who stopped to greet and chat with the various guests milling about. She wasn’t even surprised that her mother knew so many people in the high society crowd in Dubai. Her mom travelled all over the world for the various charity organizations she supported and chaired; hence, she was quite a well-known personality not only in India but across several cities in the world.

She introduced Sheena to several people, and Sheena spoke to them all. She’d been trained since birth on how to perform small talk and socialize. And while Mumbai never held the same appeal for her anymore, here in Dubai, she found the socializing scene different. It was delightful to note that beyond a certain amount of curiosity, no one was interested in her. There were no whispered comments, and no sly looks sent her way. She wasn’t being judged, and that was…that was freeing in itself. Yes, she was a Sehgal, and yes, her mother was well known, but the rumors about her hadn’t reached here, and if they had, no one cared, it seemed. It was quite a relief to move about relatively unknown. For the first time in a long time, her heart soared.

Maybe she could be happy here. This feeling of not being judged was uplifting and liberating. The event tonight was much smaller than the ones her mom hosted. There were no reporters or media outside the premises as well, nor were there any celebrities in attendance. The people she’d met so far were mostly residents of Dubai. People who’d lived here for many generations and had made the city their home.

She followed her mom as they entered the lawns. Her pulse thundered as she searched forhim. But he wasn’t to be seen. Her heart drummed. It was relief she was feeling, she reminded herself. Not disappointment, but relief. She spotted Ananya standing a little distance away, talking to some of the guests. Their eyes met, and Ananya gave her a happy wave.

Seeing their hosts free, her mom took her to them. Their mothers enveloped each other in a warm hug and shared a smile.

“So good that you could make it, Mina,” Sara Mehra gushed. “And you brought your beautiful daughter with you. How lovely!” She held her hand out to Sheena, who accepted it with a smile.

From beside his wife, Rajiv’s father, Anvay Mehra, graced Sheena with a smile and a nod. Rajiv’s parents were a striking couple, very well dressed and well spoken.

“Sara, do you know that Sheena is going to start working at Poseidon from Monday onwards,” Sheena’s mom said proudly.

Sara Mehra looked at her. “I didn’t know you had moved to Dubai.”

“I’ll be staying here for a few months,” Sheena explained. “I intend to pursue my PhD under the guidance of Professor Shetty. Rajiv has hired him to help with Poseidon’s HR department.”

“You know Rajiv?” Anvay Mehra asked her.

Her heart stumbled. “I…I… We’ve met.”

What was wrong with her? They’d met a few times. It wasn’t as big a deal as she was making it out to be. Why was she fumbling like an idiot then?

“I’ve met your daughter Ananya, too,” Sheena said more confidently. “We met at the event held at Sehgal Plaza yesterday.”

His parents gave her a smile.
