Page 22 of Temptation

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Her phone rang. She smiled when she saw Kabier’s name flash on the screen. It was as if he knew they’d been talking of him and decided to call. She answered it and put the phone on speaker, so her mom could also listen in.

“Hi, big brother! Mom’s also with me on the call. We’re going to one of her social events.”

“Hey, how are my two favorite women in the whole world doing?”

There was a lot of background noise coming from his side. He was probably out somewhere in a public place.

“We’re great,” their mom said. “Missing you, actually. When are you coming home?”

“Yeah, about that. I have some news. Grandfather wants me to return and take over as the MD of Sehgal Group, and I will be personally heading Sehgal Systems. Which means…I’m coming home for good, Mom. And soon.”

Sheena exchanged a happy look with her mom. Finally, Kabier was returning home, after years.

“Oh my God. That’s wonderful,” their mom exclaimed. “I’m so happy; I think I’m going to cry. My son is finally going to be home for good.”

“How do you feel about this new development?” Sheena asked. “Grandfather didn’t mention any of this to me when I spoke to him a few days ago.”

“He’s been discussing this with Sameer, Rishi, and me since a while now. We’ve all decided to return to India and take up lead roles in the business verticals.” Sheena was happy to hear the excitement in his voice. “The three of us will finally be in the same city. We are all so happy about that.”

Her heart warmed. She knew how close her brother was to their cousins, Sameer and Rishi, and she was glad that they were all going to be together soon. She was very close to her cousins, too, and adored them.

“Sheena, how are you liking Dubai?” Kabier asked.

“I’ve barely been here, and Mom’s shown up and is dragging me to another of her social events,” Sheena complained.

He chuckled. “I’ll also come check on you at some point.”

She grimaced. “Please don’t.”

“It’s funny that you think I’ll simply let you live in another city and not visit.”

“I’m not a kid, okay?”

“You will always be my bratty kid sister.”

“Ugh. I do not like you.”




Mina Sehgal laughed, enjoying their silly banter.

Sheena smiled, thinking about her brother. It was not like they didn’t fight. They did. God. Her brother could be too bloody adamant, patronizing, and an absolute know-it-all. But they adored one another. She heard a woman call her brother’s name in the background.

Ugh. That woman most certainly would be a model. Her brother only dated gorgeous models and actresses. As far as she knew, he’d never really been in a serious and long-term relationship with anyone yet. Even her mom was used to his escapades to even comment on them anymore.

“I have to go,” he told them. His voice turned serious. “Sheena, you know the rule, right? The location sharing on your phone has to be on at all times.”

“Yes, brother.”

He’d enforced this rule immediately after the fiasco of ten years ago. It was his way of protecting her, and to be honest, she felt safer knowing he always would know where she was.

“Take care both of you,” he said. “And Sheena, I will see you soon.”

Sheena disconnected the line and looked at her mother. “First you and now him. Why can you not allow me some space?”
