Page 38 of Temptation

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“Beautiful, right?!” she exclaimed. But he wasn’t watching the view anymore. He was watching her.

“Stunning,” he whispered, his eyes on her.

Her gaze met his. Her throat worked, her breath coming out in a rush. She licked her lips, and his eyes tracked the movement. He didn’t know who made the first move. The next thing he knew, his arms were wrapped around her, her hands were clutching his neck, and his mouth was on hers. He was finally kissing her exactly how he’d been wanting to, since forever now. He licked her lips, and she parted her mouth open on a soft moan. His tongue stroked hers, scraping, tangling, dancing, needing more. It wasn’t enough. It would never be enough with her.

The cart began to lower, and he shifted, touching his head to hers, his breathing as harsh as hers. His heart was still racing when they climbed out of the Ferris Wheel. She threaded her fingers with his, the act so natural. So perfect. They walked to his car in silence.

The night had been wonderful, he realized. He couldn’t remember the last time he had fun like this. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so carefree. But she had made it all so easy. For the first time in as long as he could remember, he had been his old self—with no worry about his responsibilities, no care of the future, and no regrets of the past. He was just a man, enjoying himself with a beautiful woman who was changing and reshaping his very perception of how life ought to be lived.

When they reached his car, he stopped and caressed her cheek. He couldn’t help it. She shifted closer, her hands lifting as if she meant to once again wrap them around him. Right then, a huge black Porsche Cayenne stopped near them. A man stepped out. Sheena’s gaze darted from Rajiv to the man. Her eyes widened.

“Oh my God!” She ran to the man and leapt at him, hugging him close. The man stumbled back a step before he chuckled and lifted her high into his chest, resting his chin on her head.

Rage, uncontrollable and unexplainable, slammed through Rajiv, shocking him. He took an angry step forward. The man’s honey-brown gaze fell on Rajiv, stopping him in his tracks. The man seemed familiar. Recognition struck Rajiv. His thoughts cleared, the anger and rage vanishing. This wasn’t some random guy Sheena was clinging to. It was Kabier Sehgal—her brother.

Fuck. What was wrong with him? He’d been one second away from ripping Sheena from his arms. So consumed he’d been with jealousy that he hadn’t even waited to see who the man was. And from the look on her brother’s face as he continued to watch him from over Sheena’s head, he had clearly understood his reaction.

Bloody fucking hell.


“Oh my God, you’re actually here!” Sheena repeated, kissing her brother’s cheek. She was so happy to see him. It had been months since she’d met him, and now, he was here. She quickly ran her eyes over him. He looked perfectly well. Her heart warmed, looking at his smiling face.

And then she realized where she was standing and that he had found her in the middle of Dubai. She eyed him. “How are you here? Wait! Did you find me by?—”

“—yes…location tracking, remember,” Kabier replied calmly. “And you were not answering your phone.”

Of course, she’d left her bag in the car. Nonetheless, he’d used her location tracker to find her. God, he was unbelievable. She punched his arm.

He shifted away from her. “What was that for?”

She slammed a hand on her hip. “It’s been only ten days since I’ve moved here, and you came to check on me?! I told you to leave me alone for a while. I told you I am fine. But you show up right where I am, without even waiting to check with me? Gross invasion of privacy, Kabier.”

Kabier raised a brow. “Relax, will you? I had a meeting in Abu Dhabi, so I thought, why not meet you as well. And I only wanted to surprise you. I didn’t expect to find you with…him.”

Fuck. She swirled around, and Rajiv was watching them, his lips tipped in that typical smirk of his as if he was finding the whole thing amusing. His eyes met hers, and his smirk vanished, replaced by a soft smile, which she’d begun to realize was saved only for her. Her heart lurched.

Seconds before her brother had shown up, she’d been about to reach for him again and kiss him. There was a need within her that woke up when Rajiv was around her. The last days when she’d been out with him, she had curbed it. Kept her growing desire for him at bay. But after their kiss atop the Ferris wheel, she’d been ready to explore that intense craving she felt for him. She had wanted to take a chance on it and him. She exhaled. She ought to be relieved her brother had shown up and prevented her from jumping headlong into something without thinking it through or worrying about the consequences.

But relief wasn’t what she felt. Regret settled in her chest instead. After spending so much time in Rajiv’s company in the last few days, she knew without a doubt that she wanted him. Little by little, her opinion about him had changed. Of course, he was arrogant. Frustratingly so. That was in his DNA, but she was beginning to realize that he was much more than that.

Rajiv was warm, kind, and so caring. Being with him was so much fun. He was entertaining, full of life, and so very gorgeous. Her heart was always excited when he was with her. There was a magnetic pull she felt towards him that she’d felt with none other. Not that she had given anyone else a chance to come that close to her. Why she had let Rajiv into her life so easily was a mystery she hadn’t been able to solve. But she didn’t regret it at all. In fact, she looked forward to each day at work because she got to see him and spend time with him. Something was evolving between them, something she was unable to stop, and, truth be told, she didn’t want it to stop.

Her brother cleared his throat, snapping her out of her thoughts. She tugged her brother forward.

“Rajiv, meet my brother, Kabier Sehgal, and Kabier this is Rajiv Mehra, my…my…” Fuck what was wrong with her. “I work for his company, as you know.”

Kabier, of course, didn’t miss her fumbling. He gave her a speaking look, which meant there’d be questions later. He offered his hand to Rajiv, who shook it stoically.

“We meet again, Sehgal,” Rajiv said.

Kabier nodded. “Mehra.”

“Wait, you guys know each other.” She addressed Rajiv, “Why have you not told me that?”

He shrugged. “We’ve met at conferences here and there.”

“And that’s all there is to it,” her brother added, clearly looking annoyed. He addressed her. “I’ve had a long day. Shall we go?”
