Page 43 of Temptation

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Sheena snorted. “Are you serious? No. He’s not my type.”

“Really, then who is?” Ananya asked, signalling the bartender to get them drinks. They all discussed their drinks order, Ananya’s question forgotten by them. But Sheena hadn’t forgotten it.

An image of Rajiv flashed in her mind, those gorgeous eyes, that sharp jawline, that smirk.Hewas definitely her type. Her heart lurched, and she stilled. She had just spent time with a very sexy, very good-looking man, and he hadn’t managed to cause a blip to her heart rate. But even thinking of Rajiv had put her heart into overdrive. Which meant, which meant…fuck. She was falling for him. Her head spun. Everything she’d read about him pointed out that he was a player, a womanizer and not into serious long-term relationships. And yet, her heart seemed to have not gotten the memo her brain had sent to it because it continued to beat energetically, further confirming that she was indeed falling for Rajiv Mehra. Damn it to hell. She was screwed.


Rajiv sat in his bedroom, flicking through the TV channels, feeling bored out of his mind. It was a regular Saturday night. He ought to have called Aaryan and Vihaan and made a plan with them for dinner at one of their places. But tonight, even meeting his friends didn’t hold any appeal. He reread the messages he’d sent to Sheena, getting worked up all over again. Why had she not replied? What was going on with her? The silence from her was pissing him off to no end, especially after his sisters had informed him that she was meeting them for a girls’ night out. Which meant her brother had left. Knowing Sheena, she never would have left her brother alone and gone off to party. But then, why give him the silent treatment. What the hell was going on with her?

He stood and began to pace his room, feeling completely out of sorts. Meeting Sheena had become a habit, so much so that her not being around him for two days felt like something crucial was missing from his life. Which was ridiculous. They hardly knew one another. They’d only spent a few days together. It wasn’t much in the grand scheme of things, but unfortunately, for him, all those lunches and dinners with her had meant more than they ought to.

With each day that passed, he told himself that it would be the last time he indulged her like this, but giving up on seeing her smile and hearing her chatter and laughter was becoming impossible.

And that last time at the fair… It had felt like the beginning of something special. That kiss on the Ferris Wheel had felt magical. Fuck. He raked a hand through his hair. What was he thinking? There was no magic between them, just plain lust. That was all it was. Even that was something he ought to stay the fuck away from and not pursue it. So, it was good that Sheena was not talking to him. This way, he could end their cursed attraction and walk away from her. But instead, here he was, getting madder by the moment that Sheena was ghosting him. His phone beeped with a few texts. Anticipation was soon replaced by disappointment when he realized it wasn’t her.

“You disappeared on us.”It was Aaryan.“Why have you not met us this week?”

He texted back.“I’ve been busy.”

“I believe your new girlfriend has been keeping you occupied. Having fun?”

Rajiv sat straighter.

Another text came.“And before you ask, you cannot expect to go to my restaurant and think that I wouldn’t find out.”

Rajiv racked his brains. Fuck. He had taken Sheena to The Strawberry Café on that first dinner. And, of course, Aaryan would have learned about it. The fact was that he hadn’t thought through his actions that evening. Sheena had been hungry. The Strawberry Café had been close by, and it served delicious food, so he had taken her to it. It was that simple.

“Am I supposed to take your silence as your confirmation to my girlfriend remark?”

Fuck. Aaryan had to be simply assuming that Rajiv had been occupied with Sheena. But with Aaryan, one never knew. He had spies everywhere. People strategically positioned to give him information as and when he wanted. It was his way of ensuring he was always a step ahead of his enemies, even though his enemies hadn’t found him. And if Rajiv had his way, they never would.

Shaking his head, Rajiv typed.“Sheena is not my girlfriend. She’s just a friend.”

“Hmm,”Aaryan replied.“I suppose since she’s just a friend, then the next picture won’t mean anything to you.”

An image appeared on his phone. Rajiv’s jaw dropped. It was a picture of Sheena, with…with… He couldn’t believe his eyes. Vihaan was with her, his hand on her bare shoulder, and both of them had a shot in hand. Sheena’s head was thrown back, laughing at something he was saying.

What. The. Fuck.

His blood boiled. Questions swamped his mind. Why was Sheena with Vihaan? Of all the people,Vihaan?! And where the hell were his sisters? Wasn’t she supposed to be out with them? Without thinking, he called Aaryan.

“Nice picture, right?” Aaryan commented the second he answered the line. Loud music swirled in the background.

“What in the bloody hell is Vihaan doing with Sheena?” Rajiv roared, unable to control the jealousy from painting his vision red. After having no communication with her for two whole days, he was already on the edge.

Aaryan laughed. “Why do you care? They’re just having a good time. So, what’s the problem?”

The problem was that, unlike Rajiv, Vihaan was, in fact, a philanderer and a playboy. And now, Vihaan had set his sights on Sheena, and Rajiv didn’t like that. Not one bit.

“Where are you?” Rajiv growled.

“On your home ground, Club Poseidon.”

Of course. That’s where Sheena was to meet his sisters. He knew that. Club Poseidon was one of the few hospitality ventures he owned. It was an extremely popular nightclub in the Dubai social scene. They had various international deejays that played there. The invites to Club Poseidon’s events were enormously coveted, especially for their annual masquerade ball.

His forehead creased. “What the hell are you doing there?”

Rajiv was aware of how much Aaryan detested nightclubs. They were just not his scene at all.
