Page 42 of Temptation

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“Nice,” Vi said. “Another?”

“In a bit.”

“How are you enjoying Dubai? It’s your first time living here, right?”

So, he did know someone in her circle.

“It’s been good, so far. Poseidon is a nice place to work in.”

The man’s eyes sparked with interest for a short second before he blinked and splayed a hand out. “You must know this place is one of Poseidon’s few hospitality investments. What do you think of it?”

“Honestly, the vibe is good, but I think the décor sucks. It needs a complete redo. The gold is too garish, the wallpaper too old and last century, and the chandeliers look like they are from a horror film set.”

He chuckled. “I should have known that you’d have a strong opinion.”

She lifted her shoulder and dropped it. “You asked.”

He signalled the bartender, and two more shots appeared in front of them.

“And, of course, since your family owns several world-class nightclubs, you’d have a good eye,” he added. “You ought to tell the owner your thoughts.”

“Hmm,” she replied noncommittally. As of now, she had other important matters on her mind when it came to the owner of this place; the décor of his club was the least of her concerns.

Vi offered her the shot and held his glass next to hers. “To new beginnings.”

“Of what?” she asked.

“Of the possibility of you and I becoming friends.”

“I just met you,Vi, of no full name and no last name. I won’t be friends with you until I know both.”

He clinked his glass to hers. “You are quite a handful, and definitely not easy to forget…for anyone.”

“It’s better to be memorable than forgettable, no?”

He laughed. So did she. He was easy to be with. His hand fluttered on her back, although he didn’t quite touch her. He simply held his glass in salute to her and downed the shot at the same time she did.

He looked in the distance. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Sheena Sehgal. But I have to go now.”

And before she could say anything, he backed away from her, disappearing into the crowd. The whole encounter was so strange and random.

“Hey, Sheena,” Ananya said, coming to her. Her sisters flanked her sides. Each of them greeted her with a warm hug and kiss.

“Who was that dishy looking guy you were chatting with?” Navya asked.

Sheena frowned. “I thought he was a friend of you girls. Hadn’t you told him to keep me company while I waited for you?”

The girls shared a surprised look with one another. “No, we don’t know him.”

“Was he hitting on you?” Reina queried, looking serious. “Should we call security?”

Sheena chewed her lip. “No. He knew me. Must be one of my brother’s friends, then. He was cute and harmless.”

“Ooh, he was very sexy,” Navya added.

Sheena waved a playful hand. “Yup. That he was.”

Reina lifted a perfectly arched brow. “Shall we go find him? Would you want to hook up with him? That can be arranged, you know.”
