Page 62 of Temptation

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As if on cue, his phone beeped. He removed it from his pocket, quickly scanning through the text.

“Navya’s safe. She’s back on mainland and on the way home,” he informed her.

“Oh, thank God, you managed to get her out,” she said.

His head tilted. “You’re not worried about yourself, Princess?”

Her eyes flared as if realizing the same. “You’re here now. So, I am a little less afraid than before.”

Definitely, her heart felt lighter now that he was here in front of her. Without a single doubt, she knew that he’d keep her safe. That no matter what was between them, he would protect her. She rested her head on his chest and breathed in his heady scent. Her heart rate finally settled to normal.

“Quite a mess you’ve managed to get yourself stuck in,” Rajiv said.

She smiled. “When do we leave then?”

“Soon. After I’ve had my fill of you.” He wrapped his arms around her. “I was so worried. Thank God, you’re safe.”

His concern warmed her heart. Maybe he had taken time off from her to think. Maybe this forced distance had been good for him. She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. His amber eyes met hers, the gold in them swirling. His gaze heated, and his arms tightened around her. A relieved sigh escaped her. He’d come for her. He was here, and he’d told her they’d be leaving soon. She believed him. It didn’t even cross her mind not to.

He leaned down.

His lips traced the shell of her ear, and he whispered. “I’m going to kiss you, and you won’t ask me to stop. Okay?”

A shiver rolled down her. His words, his mouth on her ear…everything was too much. After the hellish few hours she’d had, she didn’t want to stop him. She just wanted to lose herself in him.

He tipped her jaw up with a hand, and his mouth dropped on hers. One spark burst under her skin, then two and then three, until her whole body was aflame. A second later, he began to withdraw, but Sheena hadn’t had enough of him. Not yet. Her hands wrapped around his head, and she pulled his mouth back to hers. It had been too long since she’d been close to him like this. She sucked on his lower lip, running her tongue inside the seam, and all his control vanished. His hand sank in her hair as he laid siege on her mouth.

This kiss changed tenor. It was no longer soft and gentle. It was wild, unhinged, and raw. Exactly what she needed. His tongue demanded entry into her mouth, and she opened for him. Their tongues met. Thunder resounded in her ears. It was the sound of her heart running away, out of control.

His hands snaked down her back to her hips and then to her bottom. He lifted her off her feet, his mouth never leaving hers. Her legs wrapped around his waist, while she pressed against him, needing to be as close as possible to him. He put her down gently. She cared not where he’d placed her. She only cared about assuaging the uncontrollable need bursting through her veins for him. Her legs tightened around him, pushing him into her. His hardness met her core, and she sighed. So good. She knew exactly how much better he could make it. She pushed herself into him, needing his friction like she needed air to breathe.

God. He was so hard for her. His hands sank back in her hair, holding her to him as their bodies moved and their mouths danced. Her heart sang in joy. Her head was filled only with thoughts of him, craving him even more with every breath she took. This man was so hard to resist. He was exactly what she wanted and all that she needed.

Joy spread through her. This feeling of being with him like this… It was indescribable. She wanted to stay like this with him, forever. Why had she spent so much time away from him? Why was she always angry with him? Why had he stayed away when they could do this instead?

She scraped his tongue with her teeth, and a low growl escaped his mouth. His lips moved down her throat into the exposed bodice of her dress, licking, sucking, marking her as his. All the while, his hips dug into hers, his hard length pressing into the vee between her legs, giving her just the right friction to make her mad with desire. Every push of his body, every lick of his tongue across the top of her chest, only increased her pleasure. The fire under her skin became a conflagration. But it wasn’t enough; she needed more.

A sound of frustration spilled from her lips. Rajiv stilled. His mouth left her skin and he shifted a little away from her. Her legs fell away. His head touched hers, his breathing as ragged as her own.

“Shit. I’m so sorry I got carried away,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean to…”

His words were cut off by the door opening behind her. Realization dawned. Oh hell. She’d totally lost control of herself. She’d forgotten where they were, and that they weren’t completely out of danger yet. For the first time, she realized that she was seated on the pool table.

“Aah, the joy of passion,” an accented voice said. She started to turn to the sound, but Rajiv held her in place with a hand. He quickly removed his jacket and draped it across her shoulders. Taking her hand, he helped her back on her feet. Only then did he allow her to turn and face the three men watching them. But he did not leave her hand. In fact, he linked her fingers to his, pulling her close to his side.

The man in glasses stepped forward and addressed Rajiv. “You know, we thought you were lying when you said that she was your girlfriend.”

What? She blinked. He’d told them she was his girlfriend?! Before she could comprehend that thought any further, Rajiv tugged her closer and kissed her forehead, adding to her confusion.

“Have I passed your test?” He tipped his head to something near the ceiling.

She dragged her eyes away from the men and looked at where he was looking. Shit. She’d not even noticed the camera on the wall. But Rajiv clearly had.

Which meant, that kiss, and…and everything he’d done to her had been a show. And those men had been watching them. Her heart sank. She felt sick in the stomach. Every time she thought that something was flaring between Rajiv and her, he went and dashed her hopes and made it sound frivolous. Did he even feel anything for her, or was all that they’d shared merely an act to placate these men, knowing they were watching them?

But she couldn’t and wouldn’t show any emotions in front of these men. For some reason, Rajiv wanted them to believe she was his girlfriend, and even though her chest felt like it was being stabbed, she’d pretend to be exactly that if it would help them get out of here faster.

Swallowing thickly, she put his hand around her waist and rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m tired, Rajiv. Can we please go home now?”
