Page 63 of Temptation

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Rajiv gave her a quick nod before addressing the man in the center, Mihir Oshnov. “Name your terms, Oshnov. As you can see, she’s exhausted, and I want to get her back home.”

“Alright. My brothers and I have conferred,” Mihir began. “We have two requests.”

“I’m listening.”

“You see, we love this boat we bought from you. We want one more yacht like this to be delivered to us at St. Tropez.”

Rajiv didn’t even blink an eye as he said, “Done. Next?”

Shock rendered her speechless. After working in Poseidon for a month, even she knew that a yacht this size cost upwards of two hundred and fifty million US dollars, and Rajiv was simply giving it to them.

These men were rich. They didn’t need a freebie like this, but their asking for it nonetheless was just their way of exerting control over a billionaire like Rajiv simply because she and his sisters had trespassed their property. Ugh!

The man in glasses stepped forward. “We need free use of your ships for our containers for the next year.”

“You’ll have it for six months, and for any three ships of your choosing, provided no illegal or trafficked drugs or goods—including people or animals—are used by you.”

The man in glasses levelled him with an icy look. Rajiv shrugged, looking unaffected.

“We don’t do illegal business, Mehra,” the man said.

“Forgive me if I don’t believe you, Oshnov,” Rajiv scorned. “Those are my terms; take it or leave it.”

“What makes you think you have the upper hand here?” the bespectacled man asked, his tone quiet.

He looked the calmest amongst the trio in front of her. But who was she to judge. She just wanted this negotiation to end so she could go home.

“I walked into your territory out of respect for you and your brothers, and because I know my sisters and my girlfriend messed up by entering your property uninvited. I even agreed to negotiate so we do not end tonight as enemies,” Rajiv said, lifting his jaw. “But don’t think for one damn minute that I am intimidated by you. Do you know that my shipThe Invictusis carrying O-Corp’s two hundred and ten million roubles worth of coal to India as we speak? As of now, the ship has been instructed to set anchor in the middle of the South China Sea. Every hour you delay me here will ensure that the ship is delayed further by five days. As of now, one hour has passed. And only one ship has been halted. Should I list out the number of ships carrying your cargo that are enroute to various ports across the world? I can also list out the ports where your cargo is being unloaded from my ships. I can ensure that that cargo never reaches where it is supposed to go. I can, and will, ensure everyone believes that the delays happened because of problems at your end. I will get away scot-free, but you three know better than me the penalties you will face for every delay on every ship and at every port, not to mention the loss of O-Corp’s goodwill with your clients.”

Her jaw nearly dropped. The look of shock on the Oshnovs’ faces was a sight to behold. Rajiv was simply brilliant. No matter that she was mad at him, even she couldn’t deny his sheer genius at how he’d turned the tables on the three men. He’d waited and opened his cards at the right moment.

Rajiv smirked. “Shall we try this my way now?”

“Fucking bastard,” the bespectacled man stormed.

“Don’t look so mad because I’ve tipped the scales in my favor,” Rajiv spoke calmly. “I am still agreeing to gift you a fucking expensive yacht, not to mention free use of three of my ships for six months. That is a fuckton of money I am paying simply to avoid a war with you.” He faced the man in the middle, Mihir. “What do you say? Do we have a deal or not?”

Mihir lowered his chin.

“Wait,” Armaan said. Mischief danced on his face, and chaos reigned in his eyes. He conferred with his brothers in Russian. While Mihir looked amused, the bespectacled man was shaking his head in refusal. In the end, Mihir placed a hand on the bespectacled man’s shoulder, silencing him.

Armaan stepped forward. “We have a deal, Mehra, with one last condition.”

Rajiv arched a brow. Sheena wrapped his jacket around her tighter. What more did they want?

Armaan smirked. “You fight me inside a ring.”

“What?” Sheena gasped, her eyes rounding.

Rajiv’s hand on her waist tightened, silencing the questions that were forming on her lips. Fight? What did he mean by fight? Did Rajiv even know how to fight? What the hell was going on? He had told her he knew how to shoot. But fighting was a different ballgame altogether.

“Why?” Rajiv asked.

“Your skill in the fighting ring is legendary,” Armaan said. “I’d love to beat you.”

“If you’ve heard about my skills, then you ought to know that I fight to win.”

Armaan studied him. “And I never lose.”
