Page 72 of Temptation

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He exhaled, his heart still running away with fear for his sister. He looked at his parents, who had been silent all along.

“Did you know about this, Mom? Dad?”

His father shook his head. “I’m hearing of this now.”

“These three girls of mine have their secrets that they keep from us, apparently,” his mother added.

“Rajiv…” Navya began again. “A lot of this is my fault. I told her about the party. I encouraged her to go because I thought she needed closure. What none of us expected was for those men to hold us hostage.”

“I don’t even know what to tell you both,” Rajiv said. “Thank God, Reina had already left Dubai; else, I’m certain she would have followed you two.”

“I’m sorry,” Navya said. “I was wrong, too, and I accept it.”

He crossed his arms over his chest, addressing both the girls. “The reason I’m so mad is because I worry for you, both of you. I already have so many responsibilities, and now you’ve added to it by involving the Oshnovs in the mix.”

Ananya’s eyes filled with tears. “I’m so sorry. I should have known better. I should have never gone to see him. He’s not the man I knew. He’s changed. He’s become this hard, cruel and unforgiving person who I don’t recognize anymore. And because of me, Navya and Sheena got stuck in danger. And for that, I won’t forgive myself.”

He went to her and pulled her to his chest, understanding her pain. He knew how much she’d suffered when she thought she’d lost the love of her life. He’d been there when she had faced that trauma.

He looked at Sheena. Loving someone and losing that person was the worst kind of pain, and he already felt it. He knew he’d have to let go of Sheena, and soon. But he was too selfish to cut off from her immediately. At least, he’d already made his stance clear to her that she shouldn’t think of marriage and commitment from him. At least, that was true between them.

He beckoned Navya and put an arm around her as well. His family meant the world to him, and he wanted them safe always.

He looked at his sisters. “You both need to be careful. Both Mihir and Armaan Oshnov have their eyes on each of you. Sheena mentioned that Mihir may already have someone following you, Ananya. I’ll have to get you both bodyguards. At least, until I’m absolutely sure those guys won’t really come after either of you.”

They both nodded at him. Satisfied for now, he turned to his mother.

“Mom,” he called out. “Sheena and I haven’t eaten breakfast. Can you arrange lunch for us, please?”

His mom looked from him to Sheena and back at him, and then beamed. “Of course.”

“Thanks, Ma,” he said. He faced Sheena. “Why don’t you stay here with them while I quickly change?”

She smiled and went to his parents. He turned to go to his room. Hearing a loud laugh, he paused at the foot of the stairs, watching Sheena interact with his family.

She was seated next to his mom, while his sisters were both seated on the floor in front of her. His father was seated on an armchair, listening raptly to her. She was explaining something to all of them, her arms waving animatedly, her face adorning a huge smile. And his mom, dad, and sisters were smiling as well. None of the previous stress and worry was anywhere to be seen. Sheena, in her unique way, had managed to dissipate the tension between all of them. His heart lurched on seeing her with his family. So easily she fitted in with them, like this was where she belonged.

The more he watched her interact with his family, the more his chest ached. For the first time in his life, he cursed his luck. If only he had stepped in years ago and prevented what happened to the Rajpoots, then today, Sheena would have been his in every way. She would have been his lover, his wife, and the mother of his children.

Alas, that dream could never become reality. It was because of his lack of intervention that the Rajpoots lost their parents that fateful night and had to run and hide from their enemies. He owed it to them to keep them safe, and hence, he’d keep his promise to them, no matter that, for the first time, his heart wasn’t agreeing to it. Sighing, he climbed the stairs to go to his room. He’d live this dream with Sheena for a few days more, and he’d relish it for a little while longer. She was his slice of heaven, his rebellion from the predetermined course of his life. It was beyond selfish of him, but he couldn’t stop this from happening right now. Leaving her would kill him. But he would leave her, eventually.

Just not today.


Sheena curled up on her couch, looking at the city spread in front of her. This time of the night, the city looked beautiful, all lit up the way it was. Tonight was one of the rare nights that Rajiv wasn’t with her. He’d sent her a text that he was busy and that he’d try and drop by her home if he could, but late at night. The last week had simply flown by in a state of blissful happiness. Rajiv had spent most of his nights with her, and she’d never felt happier. The only thing marring her happiness was the fact that she hadn’t admitted out loud to him that she was in love with him.

He’d told her to not think of marriage and commitment, but here she was, a week later, thinking of exactly that. Perhaps that was why she was holding herself back and hadn’t confessed her feelings to him. But the more time she spent with him, the more convinced she was that he was in love with her, too. Why else would he want to spend every moment of the day with her? Why else would he keep dropping by at her desk at work, finding excuses to see her and talk to her? Why else would he not be able to keep his hands off her? Why else would he suddenly hold her so tight as if she was going to disappear on him? They were in love; she knew it without a doubt. But then, why was he hesitating to admit it as well? Maybe she ought to tell him first. Maybe she’d wait up for him to come tonight and then tell him how she truly felt about him.

Her mom and grandfather, for sure, would require very little convincing to accept Rajiv in her life. After all, in terms of status and social standing, he was her equal in every way. And once she told them that he wasn’t like the image portrayed about him in the media, they’d happily agree. But Kabier… Him, she wasn’t very sure of. Her brother’s over protectiveness sometimes came in the way of logic and reasoning. However, once he learned that Rajiv genuinely loved her and cared for her, he’d have to agree.

Rajiv’s family clearly suspected something was going on between them, especially since she’d become a regular in their house for dinner every night. Rajiv insisted on her eating fresh home-cooked meals, and their trips to restaurants for dinners had greatly lessened. She didn’t mind it one bit because she genuinely liked his family. They were warm, friendly, and a total riot to be with. Several nights, all of them sat and played board games together, ribbing and riling one another. She thoroughly enjoyed herself with them all. She had fit into their life seamlessly as if she was born to be with them. The only thing left was for Rajiv and her to admit their feelings to one another.

Her chest warmed, and butterflies started dancing in her belly. Tonight, she’d tell him that when he came home. But before that, she had to tell Keya and Raashi. They’d been each other’s confidantes for too long for her to keep them out of such an important part of her life.

She video called her group chat with Keya and Raashi. She needed to tell them everything. She’d kept them in the dark about Rajiv and her for too long. All they knew was that he had slowly become a friend, and she’d left it at that.

Keya answered the video call first. Raashi disconnected the call, and her face popped into Keya’s screen.
