Page 73 of Temptation

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She looked at her two friends’ faces, and a smile broke out on her face. “You guys are together?! So nice. I miss being there with you two.”

“Hello, stranger,” Keya said. “Where have you been?”

“I’ve just been busy—work and the usual, you know.”

In the last week, she’d been so busy with Rajiv that she hadn’t answered their calls and had sent vague replies to their texts.

“Really? It’s only work that’s keeping you busy?” Raashi asked naughtily. “Or is it that hot billionaire shipping tycoon who’sjust your friendthat’s keeping you occupied? I’m sure he must be back in town by now.”

She’d kept her relationship with him casual to her friends, but her friends kept teasing her about him all the time. However, she could no longer deny what was happening between them.

“I have to tell you guys something,” she said.

“Wait, Sheena, before you—” Keya began.

“I’m in love with Rajiv,” she burst out. “I’m deeply and madly in love with him, and I think he loves me too.”

Another face came on the screen, behind her friends. It was her grandfather. Her breath stuttered.

Oh no.

“Youthinkthat he’s in love with you?” her grandfather asked. “What the hell does that mean?”

“Sorry,” Keya began, looking contrite. “I was trying to tell you that Janak was with us, but you just blurted everything out before I could.”

Sheena sighed. “It’s fine. I would have told him eventually.”

Her grandfather scowled. “Start from the beginning. Don’t leave anything out.”

She told them how Rajiv and her lunches and dinners began to mean more. How he’d disappeared on her just when things had started to get serious between them. About the yacht and the Oshnovs and how she now felt about him.

“Thank God, he got you out of there safely,” her grandfather said. “Those Oshnovs need to be taught a lesson for holding you hostage. I’ll ensure Kabier, and I do that.”

“No, please,” Sheena said. “Rajiv handled everything. It’s over, I promise. I don’t want anyone else involved with those men.”

Her grandfather accepted her words with a nod.

“Raashi and I have talked about Rajiv and you,” Keya began. “We both think that he could be right for you. Both of you come from the same background. You wouldn’t have been happier with anyone who didn’t understand the world you were brought up in. But he will understand. He is perfect for you. And after the way he rescued you, my respect for him has multiplied.”

“You know,” Sheena continued, “Rajiv is so protective about me. He’s always there saving me, even when I don’t realize I need saving. But he… Rajiv, he has my back. He’s always there for me, looking out for me. You know, I can no longer imagine life without him. I love him so much.”

“Aww, that’s amazing,” Keya gushed.

“I’m so happy for you,” Raashi said. She shared a look with Keya.

Keya faced the screen. “So, have you been intimate with him?”

Sheena’s cheeks burned. She glared at Keya. “I can’t believe you’d ask me that in front of my grandfather.”

Raashi chuckled. “Look at Sheena feeling shy and nervous because Janak is with us. Clearly, she’s doneit.”

She’d kept her story about Rajiv and her very PG-rated, not telling them about the fact that she had been intimate with him to avoid embarrassing herself and her grandfather, but her friends apparently had no such qualms.

“Was it good?” Keya asked.

“Was it hot?” Raashi queried. “Oh, I’m dying to know now.”

Janak cleared his throat and pressed a hand to his chest. “Please, girls. You’re going to give me heart failure with your X-rated questions. Can you have this discussion when I’m not on the call?”
