Page 76 of Temptation

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“See, I told you he knows how to fight.” Vedant Oshnov said.

“And why are you on Rajiv’s side suddenly?” she asked, her eyes still on the fight. “If you care so much, you should have stopped this stupid fight before it began.”

“Unfortunately, no one can stop Armaan once he sets his mind on something. And I want this damn fight to end as much as you do. Rajiv could hurt my idiot brother.”

She hated the fact that had she not come, Rajiv would have been all alone, with no one to support him. Where were his friends? That man in the car that night? Why was he not here for Rajiv? While she spoke of Keya and Raashi all the time, Rajiv had never spoken about his friends to her.

She pocketed that thought to examine it later, in a less gory situation. Right now, her entire focus was on Rajiv. She’d whispered to him that she loved him. She knew he had read her lips. She’d done so in that moment because she wanted him to know what she felt for him, and that she was there for him always.

Armaan gave a loud grunt, pulling her attention back to the fight. Rajiv held the upper hand as he backed the other man into a corner and rained blows on his face and chest. God. Rajiv actually knew how to fight. He was quick, brutal, and ruthless. And the way his body moved—so majestic, so fluid, so perfect. His chest rippled as he swung his arms. His sharp abs were slick with sweat. He was glorious, but he was also injured. It pained her to see the blood that dripped down the side of his face and down his nose. He was hurt, badly.

Rajiv swung a leg out and kicked the other man hard on his torso, pushing him to the floor. A second later, the other man leapt up, seeming unaffected. Armaan laughed, uncaring that this bout was going on and on and that both of them were seriously injured, and with every second, one of them would get hurt even more. The two of them charged at one another. Sheena wanted to scream in frustration.

This was ridiculous and beyond mad. In front of her, Rajiv and Armaan were at it, kicking, punching, and landing blows on one another that most definitely would cause pain and injury. They both were bleeding, their white hand wraps covered in red and brown. But neither of them was willing to back off.

She looked around. God. This needed to stop. Rajiv was already bleeding profusely. He kept wiping his temple again and again. Each time he did that, his opponent managed to get a hit on him, infuriating her further. She so wanted this fight to be done with.

“Stop this,” she pleaded with Vedant, who was still standing next to her. Of the three brothers, he seemed the most sensible. “Do something.”

He shook his head. “It’s a matter of honor, Sheena. I can’t. They have to stop this on their own account, or until one of them concedes defeat, which I don’t see happening any time soon. They’re both equally matched in strength and size.”

“Fucking hell,” Sheena cursed.

She looked this way and that. There had to be something she could do. Something… She paused, eyes squinting as an idea took shape. She whispered in Navya’s ear. Navya looked at her, her eyes wide. Nodding, she backed away. Sheena watched as the two men continued to lash blows at one another, each of them relentless in their attack, oblivious to everyone watching them. At this rate, one of them would die, and there was no way she was risking Rajiv’s life over this lunacy.

A few minutes later, Navya handed her what she had asked for. None of the men were even paying the two of them any attention. Luckily, Vedant had also joined Mihir at the opposite side from her. They were busy watching the fighters in the ring lunge at each other, hammering blows upon blows at one another. She gave Navya a nod. The two of them stepped forward, turning on the water from both the fire extinguisher hoses at the same time. A strong gush of water fell on the men in the ring, shocking them apart. They both fell on their backsides as water continued to rain on them.

The look Rajiv gave her was of pure disbelief. She shut off the hose and stormed toward him, expecting his anger for disrupting his match the way she had. Instead, he stared at her, shook his head, and burst out laughing. From his side, Armaan, too, started laughing as Navya continued to rain water down upon him.

“Stop,” Armaan raised his hands in the air. “I concede, okay?”

Only then did Navya shut the hose and drop it. She nodded to her bodyguard and walked away from the ring and out the exit without even giving him a second glance.

Rajiv stood, wincing. Sheena could see he was in pain. When he came out from the ring, he stumbled slightly. She rushed to him, catching him in her arms, uncaring that he was covered in sweat, filth, and blood. She only cared that he was fine, and this violent and senseless fight was over. She held him close to her, breathing him in. His arms went around her, capturing her to him.

“Fuck, you manage to surprise me every single time,” he told her. “I still can’t believe you did that.”

She shifted and glared at him. “Did you think I’d sit still and allow that man to kill you while I watched?”

“I would’ve won, Princess.”

“Sure, but I wasn’t willing to take a chance on that.” She touched his temple, which was still dripping blood. “And I wasn’t willing to allow you to be hurt anymore. This fight was rubbish. It wasn’t needed at all.” She pressed a hand to his shoulder, and he winced. She touched his jaw, where a purplish bruise had formed, and he clenched his mouth. He was in pain. Anger raged through her. Without another word, she strode away from him.

Armaan Oshnov was talking to his brothers, his back to her, when she reached him. Holding his arm, she swung him around and landed a punch on his face before ramming her knee to his groin. He fell down, clutching his private parts, groaning in agony, clearly not expecting her to attack him the way she had.

She bent down to look at him. “Hurt Rajiv again, and I will kill you in your sleep. You know who I am, and hence, you know that I have the money and means to end your very existence. I dare you to go against me on this.”

He stared at her for a long second before he began to laugh. She kicked his leg, incensed by his laughter. She flung her leg again to kick him, but Rajiv caught her by her middle, pulling her away. Her legs flew in the air as she thrashed and kicked in the air, screaming curses at Armaan.

“Sheena, stop!” Rajiv growled in her ear, putting her down.

She shifted out of his hold, but Rajiv kept a hand on her waist, keeping her to him. She pointed a finger at Mihir Oshnov. “This, whatever it was between Rajiv and you, is over. You hear me? He’s fulfilled every request of yours from that night. So, stay the fuck away from us, henceforth.”

Mihir’s lips curved. “You’re a brave one, Sheena Sehgal. I admire your courage. I promise you that Rajiv and you have nothing to worry about from any of us.”

“My sisters are included in this,” Rajiv said from her side. “The fight is done.” He tipped his chin at Armaan, who was being helped up by Vedant. “He stays away from Navya, and you will stay the fuck away from Ananya. I want no one following them as well.”
