Page 77 of Temptation

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Mihir nodded. “We will stay away from them. Just ensure none of them comes in our way. If they do, then all deals are off.”

“I’ll ensure that,” Rajiv declared.

Mihir smiled at Sheena before addressing Rajiv. “You are one lucky man. Not everyone has a woman willing to go to the end of the world for them. To fight for them. To do anything to stop them from hurting. Trust me, I know. I’ve been there. Cherish her. She’s a rare one.”

Rajiv gave him a nod, his hand tightening on Sheena’s waist. The brothers left, leaving them alone.

Sheena flipped her hair off her face and turned to Rajiv, who was watching her with wide eyes and parted lips.

“Unbelievable,” he breathed out. “I cannot believe you did that. I thought I was going to burst an artery when you started attacking him. Why did you do it? It was reckless, Sheena. Those men are dangerous.”

“So, what?” She crossed her arms. “Why shouldn’t I have faced them? They hurt you. Should I have just watched and applauded them, and then said thank you for ending the fight while hoping they don’t ask for a rematch?” She shook her head, annoyed. “Why does only a man have the right to defend his woman? Why can’t a woman want to protect the man she loves? I love you, and I will hurt anyone who tries to hurt you. You hear me?”

He touched his head to hers. “Like I said before. You are un-fucking-believable. You floor me all the time with your courage and bravery.”

He stepped toward her, and his knee gave way slightly, once again. She caught him in her arms and planted a kiss on his mouth. She’d been so terrified for him, but now he was here in her arms, and he was safe. There was nothing else that mattered. His hand snaked into her hair, and he kissed her back, tasting her, unable to let go.

“Let’s go,” she told him when they finally broke apart. “You need to get to a hospital to get your wounds checked.”

“No hospital.” A cheeky grin spread over his face. “Let’s just go home, and I’ll show you how to care for me.”

Her heart swelled. A smile formed on her face. This man, he was her everything. She palmed his face. “I love you so much.”

His mouth opened and closed, his expression filled with awe. He kissed her forehead, holding her close to his chest. “You were not supposed to fall in love with me.”

“But I am in love with you, so what are you going to do about it?” she replied.

“You are more than what I ever wanted in life. You are everything. My heart was lonely for too long until you made a place in it. The moment I saw you, I thought I should stay away from you. Even then, I knew that you’d change the landscape of my life. Yet, I couldn’t stay away. I couldn’t walk away from you. I am going to cherish you. I am going to cherish every moment with you for as long as I am able to.”

He turned and paused. His eyes drifted up to the balcony, two floors above them, his eyes squinting. When she looked up, the balcony was empty. Strange. Before she could question him, Rajiv kissed her hand and guided her out of the club.

Happiness soared through her. Yes, he hadn’t told her that he loved her, but she knew in her heart that he did. What he’d accepted to her was enough for her to believe in him and in her love for him. Her life was finally as it ought to be. Here, in a different country, in a place far from home, she’d found the life she wanted to live, with a man she was destined to be with. God, how lucky was she.


“The queen is mine,” Sheena declared, lining the striker on the carrom board, concentrating on her next shot. It was late evening and she was at Rajiv’s home, playing carrom with his sisters and him.

“Actually, the queen can only bemine,” Rajiv said, giving her a pointed look. She felt her cheeks flush.

She lifted her jaw. “We’ll see.”

Just as she was about to flick her fingers, from below the table, Rajiv grazed her inner thigh with his hand, barely missing her core. Heat washed over her. Her shot went haywire, and she missed pocketing the queen by a mile.

She glared at him. “You cheat.”

He shrugged, pretending nonchalance. “What did I do?”

“You…you…” She looked at his sisters and promptly shut up.

“Yes, please tell them what I did.”

She slumped back, lips pursed, planning her vengeance.

The first time they’d asked her to play carrom with them had come as a shock because she couldn’t remember the last instance when she’d played the game. Maybe, when she’d been a teen in school or with her cousins... She’d totally sucked the first few times she’d played, but slowly she was getting into the groove. She’d never been particularly good at carrom, but she was managing just fine.

Initially, she’d been surprised to learn that game nights were a regular in Rajiv’s home and a way for the siblings to spend some time with each other. And now this, all four of them hanging out, and playing games, had become a norm for them. Rajiv brought her home every day after work for dinner, and they’d either spend time chatting with his family or end up playing a game. Scrabble, carrom, sequence, or cards were the top picks.

Ananya and she had soon become designated partners, as were Rajiv and Navya. Their game nights usually turned into a battleground, both their teams warring for dominance. It was all in good spirits. Reina called them several times when they were together, bummed at missing out on all the fun. But her being in the UK was a relief to Rajiv, who continued to have bodyguards follow his other two sisters.
