Page 88 of Temptation

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He and Sheena had spoken for hours on end about how they’d build their life together; they had dreamed together, visualizing the future…their future. Without a doubt, he’d make every single dream of hers come true. She was his world. She was his everything. That night, in front of his friends, Sheena had so easily and readily promised to protect them all and keep them safe. And she would, he was sure. He was so much at peace now. Her knowing about them felt like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

“I am pretty sure Mom and Grandfather will be delighted for us, and so will Keya and Raashi,” Sheena said. “But…”

“But, your brother. I don’t get him. You know, I recently read in a magazine that‘Kabier Sehgal changes women as rapidly as he does his cars.’And he’s actually judging me. Me? It’s ridiculous.”

Sheena chuckled. “Yeah, my brother and his shenanigans never end. However, I’m his sister, and he’s protective of me, just as you are of yours. So, cut him some slack, okay? Besides, he and I did chat a few days ago. It was only for a few minutes before he had to leave for work. He knows that you and I are together. I told him the magazine article was a misunderstanding. He didn’t believe me though, and isn’t happy about me dating you.”

Rajiv rolled his eyes. Her brother seemed to be the biggest hurdle he had to cross, even to just announce their engagement to the world.

“Hey,” Sheena pulled his face to hers, “I will talk to him tomorrow. I will make him listen. He will agree. He’s been my rock for so long. He only wants the best for me. He will understand when I tell him how much we love one another. But before that, I have dinner planned with Keya and Raashi for tomorrow night. Between meeting them and talking to Kabier, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to meet you.”

Ideally, he wanted to be with her when she spoke to her brother, but Sheena had insisted on talking to Kabier by herself first.

Her ring twinkled under the bedroom lights, reminding him of something important he still had to do. Very surreptitiously, he removed a small box from the nightstand drawer. Opening it quietly, he took her hand in his, and that’s when the lights went off.

“Not again,” Sheena said, clutching his hand tightly. “I can’t believe this still happens when we are together.”

He slid the ring on her finger, and the lights came on again as if even the Gods were blessing them.

“Oh my God!” She gaped at her hand, her eyes shining bright. Then she looked at him and scowled.

“What is it?” He sat upright. He looked at the ring. The large square-cut diamond was beautiful and simple. Was it not to her taste?

“You don’t like it?” he checked.

“I love it. It’s absolutely perfect.”

He frowned. “Then what is the problem?”

“You need to ask again. Properly this time. Last time you asked in front of your friends. This time, it’s supposed to be for you and me only.”

He chuckled. “You never make anything easy, do you?”

He lifted her hand to his mouth. “Sheena Sehgal, you’ve enchanted me from the second you held a knife to my throat. Every moment I saw you after that pulled me deeper into your web. Now, I cannot see beyond you. I love you so much, more than I ever thought it would be possible to love anyone. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive? Will you promise to be the mother of my children? Will you promise to continue to work in Poseidon, and hopefully, one day, run it with me? Will you promise to stay by my side forever?”

She squealed, sealing herself to him. “Yes, yes, yes, and oh God, yes. I love you. I’m calling Mom right now and telling her we’re coming to meet her, and if Grandfather is available, then him, too.”

“Hold on,” Rajiv said. “Have you not told anyone yet because I hadn’t proposed like this?”

“Well, everyone who is important to me has actually not been around this last week. But I was waiting for you to propose.” She gave him a soft smile. “Asking me in front of your friends felt like you were forced to do, and maybe you weren’t ready then.”

“Princess, do you doubt my love for you?”

“No. But I did want a proper proposal, one that wasn’t designed by others, no matter how sweet that was.”

“God, you are high maintenance. Such a princess.”

She laughed. “You love that about me. And hey, I want a loud wedding with all the works.”

“Whatever you want, Princess,” he said. “I just don’t want it to be a very big affair with like a thousand people. I don’t want to feel lost at my own wedding, and I don’t want to meet and greet people I have never met before and may never meet again. I want a small, private ceremony with close friends and family only.”

She smiled. “I can work with that.”

A thought came to his mind. But before he could voice it, she said, “What about Aaryan and his siblings? They won’t come for our wedding, isn’t it?”

“I was just thinking about that.”

“Then how about we do a small party at one of their restaurants to celebrate with just them?”
