Page 87 of Temptation

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“You make me weak, especially when you sayplease.”

Vihaan chuckled in the background.

She glared at Rajiv. He held his hands up in the air. “Okay, this is what we are going to do. After we leave from here, we will head to my home and meet my parents and sisters. We inform them that we are getting married and then I fly you to Mumbai, and we tell your family about us. Okay?”

She nodded, immediately texting her brother she was taking another flight home. She chewed her lower lip, thinking about Kabier and his reaction when he learned about Rajiv and her.

Rajiv pressed his thumb to her mouth. “Stop worrying. I promise I will convince him that I love you, no matter what it takes.”

She heaved out a breath and nodded.

“Now come,” he handed her a champagne flute, “Let’s celebrate.”

The rest of the evening passed in a flurry of laughs and smiles. The Rajpoots were all wonderful. So easily they had included her in their midst. She could see how fond they were of Rajiv. Her chest warmed as happiness flowed through her. This was how she’d always imagined her life—to be loved completely and wholly by a man and to be surrounded by great friends and family. Everything was as she’d always wanted it to be. Now if only her brother agreed, then life would be fairy-tale perfect. Fingers crossed.


“Princess, we shouldn’t have come to Mumbai in such a hurry. You ought to have at least checked if your brother was available,” Rajiv grumbled. “It’s been a week, and we still haven’t announced our engagement to anyone. I feel like your dirty little secret here, the one who no one knows of.”

It was late evening, and as had become routine this past week, they’d just finished dinner in his hotel room and were lounging on the bed, watching a movie.

Sheena paused the film. She shifted, settling herself astride him. Even fully clothed, his body began to hum as it always did when she was near.

“Dirty little secret—it sounds illicit and scandalous. Nice.”

He made a face.

She leaned down to kiss his jaw. “Don’t grumble. You know this is the week my grandfather is introducing Kabier as the new Managing Director of Sehgal Group. They have been busy at work. That announcement of Kabier taking over is happening tomorrow, post which we can tell everyone our news.”

“I can’t believe your brother didn’t even have five minutes to talk to you this whole week.”

“Hey, he’s been busy!” She slid down and reclined beside him, threading her fingers with his. “And you’re one to talk. You’ve been working this whole week, too.”

“That’s because you refused to take a break and insisted on working online from your home.”

Sheena clucked her tongue. “I’ve barely started work at Poseidon. I cannot shirk my responsibilities just because I am sleeping with the boss.”

“Sleeping with the boss?” He grinned. “I quite like the sound of that.”

She rolled her eyes. “Tomorrow, we can tell my family and my friends about us. I’m so excited, you know.”

“Yeah, your friends,” Rajiv scoffed. “The same ones who I haven’t had a chance to meet yet because, wait, they’re traveling. I swear this trip has been a waste so far. I can’t wait to return to Dubai. I actually prefer it there.”

“Of course, you would. It is home for you. And…”


She gave him a shy smile. “I think I prefer it there as well. I feel less shackled there than I do here because of my past. And I like being at Poseidon. Working online isn’t the same, you know.”

He beamed, lifting her hand to her lips. “You will always be safe with me, Sheena. I will always protect you no matter where we are. But I am delighted to know that you are happy in Dubai, and at Poseidon. It is our legacy to hand over to our children one day.”

She smiled. “I miss your parents and sisters too. They are wonderful. We get along like a house on fire. How delighted they were when we told them our news! Especially Ananya.”

“Yes, she’s been rooting for me to fall for you from the beginning.”

So far, apart from the Rajpoots, only his family knew that he was going to marry Sheena. He’d taken Sheena with him and announced their news to his family right before they’d jetted off to Mumbai. Yet here, the status quo remained. No one knew about them being engaged, which sucked big time.

He rubbed the ring on her right hand. At times, he still couldn’t believe his friends had bought a ring for him to propose to Sheena. It still felt surreal that in a matter of days, his entire perception of the future had changed so drastically.
