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He lets out a sigh as he pulls onto the highway. It’s snowing, but it’s light making for an easy drive and I wonder where exactly he’s taking me. “You couldn’t…tell anyone.”

“Not even Marissa?”

His eyes snap to mine. They’re not angry but a little bit scolding. “No, not even Marissa.”

I purse my lips. “Well, she thinks you’ve got it bad for me and I just left, and…you left, not to mention she’s convinced I have a crush on you, so shemayput two and two together.”

“If you don’t know how to lie convincingly, then this is not going to work.” A smile tugs at his lips.“She thinks that, huh?”

“Well, clearly she was right, you did already admit you can’t stop thinking about me.”

He turns his gaze from the road briefly to meet mine and I see the lust written all over his face. “That’s not what I meant.”

I pull my hair to one side, playing with the ends nervously, not knowing what to say. “She may be correct in her theory about me.”

He chuckles and takes the next exit and I still have no idea where we’re going. “I see. Well, whatever does or does not happen between us outside ofwork, needs to stay between us, please.”

I nod. “I understand.”

“I’m not going to make you sign anything, but…this is serious, Raegan. I’m probably in violation of about a hundred rules just being in the car alone with you this late outside of working hours.”

“I would never want to get you in trouble.” I don’t want to either, but if he’s worried about breaking the rules and he owns the company, the consequences must be serious.

We pull into a gated community and there’s a flutter in my sex thinking about the fact that he actually brought me to his house.

Oh my God.

Am I about to have sex with my boss?

“Is this okay?” He asks, the sincerity washing over me just as he pulls into his driveway, and I nod, staring at the very large house in front of me. He pulls into the garage and turns off the car before he turns to look at me. “If at any point you’re uncomfortable…” he starts and I shake my head at him.

Yep.My mind thinks, in response to my earlier question.

“I’m happy you brought me here,” I tell him and he smiles before getting out of the car and grabbing my coat from the back before opening my door. He helps me out and I wonder if he’s nervous from the way he’s acting, so I reach up and drag my hand over his jaw. He’s got a very light dusting of stubble and dragging my fingertips over it sends a warm feeling shooting through me. “You’re so tense. Are you nervous?”

“I’ve been nervous around you since the second you walked into my office.” He stares down at me, his blue eyes piercing and serious and I realize I want nothing more than to feel his lips on mine.

“What?” I choke because up until this moment, he’s never given me that impression. “Why?”

He takes my hand in his and pulls me towards the door in his garage leading to his house. “I tell you I can’t stop thinking about you and you ask me why?”

“You’re always so confident and self-assured. I didn’t think…”

“What? That confident men don’t get nervous around the women they can’t get out of their head?”

I find myself simultaneously swooning and getting turned on by his words as he leads me into the house. Inside, I’m in shock at what I see. He’s a very wealthy bachelor who owns his own company; I was picturing all white and monochromatic fixtures and stainless steel and a place that felt cold despite the warm-hearted man in front of me. What I was not expecting was an instant feeling of warmth and safety the second I walked inside. The first thing I notice is his kitchen, with hardwood floors and an island that matches with forest green accents for all of the cabinets. It’s straight out of what I would picture in a cozy cottage and not this huge house. He slides his coat off of me and disappears with mine as well.

I move through the kitchen and take in his living room that has an entire wall lined with windows looking out into miles of forest. I realize now that we’re on a hill, allowing me to see for miles behind his house and giving the most gorgeous view. It’s begun to snow and there are flecks of white floating through the air against the black sky and greenery.

Realizing that I’m probably not going home tonight, I decide now is the time to let my dad know I’m staying at a friend’s house. I pull my phone from my clutch and am just hitting send when Wes returns and his eyes drop to the phone in my hand. I wonder if he thinks I’m telling some salacious story about why exactly I left the holiday party early. “Oh, I…I’m just letting my dad know I’m not coming home. He worries.” He nods and I take a step towards him. “Do you trust me?”

“I do.” He nods. “I just can’t believe you’re actually here.” He sits on his couch and part of me wants to climb into his lap. I can feel the tension radiating from him and I realize if I want him, I’m going to have to make the first move. I go to where he’s seated on the couch and kneel in front of him on the floor, placing my hands on his knees and separating his legs before I move my hands up his thighs. I’m fully aware that we haven’t even kissed yet, and I’m alluding that I want to put my mouth on his dick, but here we are.

“You’re so tense. What can I do to help?” I reach his upper thighs and squeeze, bracketing the space around his dick and his nostrils flare as lust flashes across his handsome face.

“Raegan.” He groans and when I look up at him, his icy blue eyes are full of hunger.

“Yes, Mr. Beckham?”
