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“Yes, what if someone wants to come to my room?”

“Who would want to come to your room?” I ask, my mind immediately going to that tool Liam wanting to come upstairs with her.


“Go to hers.” I shrug.


I roll my eyes. “I didn’t cancel your room for tomorrow, relax. Though, the fact that you want to sleep away from me is not sitting well with me.” I guide her into the elevator with my hand on her lower back and scan my key against the censor to access the private floor.

“Wes, that’s not it.”

I press her against the wall. “Then, what is it?”

“I don’t want to get caught leaving your room?” She looks up at me. “I would love to stay in your room with you the whole time we are here, but you know it’s not that simple.”

“You wouldn’t get caught. Only my room and Chris’ room are on this floor and it requires a key for access.” I hold up the black metal key card for her to see.

“It’s not just that.”

“I know, which is why you still have your own room. That I’ll have a key to.” I lean down and press a kiss to her lips just as the elevator dings and the door opens.

“Think you’re going to sneak into my room?”

“If you’re not willing to sneak into mine, yes. I’m not going three days without touching you when you’re two floors away, Raegan Graham.”

“Oh, my full name?” She giggles as we move towards my suite that takes up a good fourth of the floor.

“This is for you.” I hand her a key. “In case you do want to sneak up here.” I wink at her and she bites her bottom lip before slipping it into her purse.

We enter the suite which is the usual one I stay in when I’m here. It consists of a master bedroom, a master bathroom as well as a guest bathroom, a dining and living area, and a small kitchen. Our luggage is already inside and there’s another bottle of champagne as well as the chocolate-covered strawberries and a cheese plate that I ordered.

“I feel like you’re trying to get me drunk,” Raegan says as she puts the glass we’d gotten downstairs on the table. “I was going to take a shower. I know you took one on the plane, but do you want to watch?”

“Oh fuck.” I chuckle. “I would love that, but I have a call in about fifteen minutes.” I sigh.

“Oh! Do you need me?”

“No.” I shake my head. “Take a shower, relax, take a nap if you want. I really don’t think I’ll need you until everyone else is here. I just like to get here a day early, mostly to prepare for tomorrow.”

“I see. Well, if you need me for something let me know?”

“I will definitely need you for something.” I smack her butt and she giggles before she rolls her suitcase towards the bedroom.

About an hour later, Raegan comes out of the bedroom, dressed in a black high-waisted mid-length skirt and a white blousy t-shirt tucked in and she looks so effortlessly gorgeous. Her hair is pulled up into a ponytail and despite the person talking in my ear, I find myself transfixed by her moving around the living room. I’m seated at the desk in the living area, just watching her when her eyes meet mine. She gives me a sweet smile before moving towards me.

I move back from the desk and look down at my lap indicating I want her to sit and she points at the phone. “I’m on mute.”

“Shouldn’t you be listening?” She asks just as I pull her onto my lap and she wraps her arms around my neck.

Her scent overwhelms me in the best way. It’s sexy and makes me want to find the nearest surface to fuck her on. “You smell good.”

She kisses my nose and then my mouth. “So do you.”

She goes to move off of my lap when I hold her in place and turn my phone off mute. “I need to take a call, I’ll be back on in ten minutes,” I say before hanging up the phone without waiting for their reply.

“Is there really another call?” she asks and I glare at her for already knowing me well.
