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“I know what you meant.” I glare at him as I begin washing my body and he sighs.

“Fine, we can wait.”

“What if in a few months you’re over this? You’ll be glad you didn’t say anything.”

“And now, that’s the dumbest thing I’ve heardyousay.” He takes the loofah from my hands. I try to take it back and he holds it up high over my head before spinning me around to wash my back. “I’m never going to be over this or over you.”


“Maybe you’ll be the one that’ll eventually be over it…”

I turn around and stare up at him. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you think you and I are a done deal.” He shrugs and my mouth drops open. “Wes!”

“Raegan!” he says with the same level of shock.

“I’m serious.”

“So am I.”

I blink up at him wondering how in the hell we got here and so fast. It wasn’t even a week ago when I was talking to Marissa about how he’d never touch me, and now he’s in a shower in the nicest hotel in Miami damn near confessing his love for me.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be over you either,” I tell him.

He smiles in response and wraps his arms around me, letting his hands rest on my ass as he squeezes them. “Well, that’s a relief, but maybe you’re right. We’ll give it some time. A month max, Raegan, and then I tell them.”

I nod, because if we’re here now, in a month he’ll probably be thinking about putting a ring on my finger and a baby in my belly.


“I have a question.”

He squirts some shampoo into his hands and begins washing his hair. “I have an answer.”

“Just for my knowledge, you know, since it seems you have made all these decisions already.” I clear my throat. “Do you want kids?”

He cocks an eyebrow. “Hypothetically speaking?” I blink at him. “Or yours?” He adds and my cheeks heat at the thought of having his baby.So does my pussy.“Hypothetically, no. Yours, yes.” I bite my bottom lip and he gives me a smile before he tips his head back to rinse the soap from his hair. “I haven’t thought about kids in years and figured that ship sailed but ever since I started fucking you raw it’s definitely been on my mind.”

“We should probably start being more careful.” He shrugs as if we’re talking about something casual and not practically the most life-affirming thing in the world. “I always wanted a big family.”

“I’ll give you as many as you want.”

“Okay, I know I said I needed a break, but never mind.” I let out a breath and reach up to grab his face to pull his lips to mine.

“Oh my GOD,” Marissa says as soon as she sees me walking towards the conference room for our first meeting dressed in a gray skirt and matching blazer practically buzzing with excitement. I’d already switched to the room Ishouldbe staying in for the rest of the trip and Marissa is in the room right next door. “So?!” She bounces up and down in her heels as we walk through the lobby. She links her arm through mine. “Did you do it?”

“Do what?” I ask, knowing exactly what she means.

“You know what! You and Mr. Beckham?” She makes a circle with her index finger and thumb and sticks her other index finger through it to demonstrate what she means.

“No, Marissa!” I laugh.

“Seriously?” she asks. “Wow, I really thought he was going to make a move.”

“Nope,” I say without looking at her. I’m not a terrible liar, having learned the basics when I was in high school and trying to go to a party my dad would never let me go to, but I don’t know how long I can keep it up if she keeps pressing it.

“Hmmm, well there’s still time,” she says as we walk into the conference room. There are only ten of us here in Miami, so the room consists of a long mahogany table and ten chairs. There’s a very large spread of breakfast and lunch foods on the table and a bucket filled with bottles of champagne in the back. There’s a whiteboard in the front and a sign with the wordsWelcome, Beckham Securities!on it.

“I think if he was going to, he would have before all of you got here, don’t you think?” The words fly out seamlessly.
