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“I’d say yes, if not for the fact that he’s literally staring at you right now like he wants in your panties.” I look at Marissa and notice that she’s not looking at me and I refuse to look at Wes in fear that anyone who catches us sharing a look could see the chemistry.

“Marissa…” I trail off.

“Fine,” she says waving me off like she’s done with the topic—though I assume not forever—before she slides her blazer off. “We decided on the flight down here that we are going to this club tonight. Brendan already booked us a table with bottle service. We have dinner and then we are going to pregame in one of our rooms and be out by ten or eleven?” She stands up to get some food before I have a chance to respond.

The thought of going out in Miami without Wes makes me antsy. Not because I’m nervous but because I’m just more comfortable with him than I am with anyone else here other than Marissa. Iwantto spend time with him. A few moments later, she sits back down and points to her plate offering me something from it. “I also re-downloaded my Tinder; I think I need a vacation fuck. It really helps clear my head,” she says with a chuckle. “Do you use dating apps?”

“Not anymore,” I tell her honestly. After college, I had a short-lived affair with this app calledOur Circle—which was supposed to be better than Tinder. It left me with two awful first dates and my vow to avoid dating apps like the plague.

“How else do you expect to get laid?” she says as she takes a bite of a mini croissant.

By working for a man that’s obsessed with me?

“Do we really want to get drunk on our first night here?” I ask, already trying to come up with a way to get out of this.

“Why do you think we don’t have to be at our first meeting until eleven tomorrow? They want us to bond!”

“By blacking out?”

She giggles and taps my nose. “You’re coming out. It’ll be fun!”

Fuck. Wes is not going to love this idea.

The day goes by quickly and pretty soon I am getting ready to meet up with the rest of the team to go out. Wes was in business mode for the most of the day and since most of the eyes were trained on him as he went over some of the sales plans for the remainder of the year as well as how we’d start next year, it kept his eyes from lingering on me for too long.

I’m putting on a pair of gold hoops when my phone rings with a Facetime call and I’m not surprised to see that it’s Wes. I immediately open it and prop it up against the mirror in the bathroom.


“Fuck, I miss you.” I turn to look at him and notice that he’s already dressed for dinner in a navy suit and he looks so fucking good. “Not being able to touch you all day was just as tortuous as I thought it’d be.” He pulls his drink to his lips. “Stay the night with me tonight; no one will know.”

I’d pulled my hair into a high ponytail after I learned my lesson with the humidity yesterday, and I spray a bit more hairspray to make sure it doesn’t move. “I’ll think about it.” I scrunch my nose. “It all depends on how easily I can get away from everyone and if Marissa wants to have a late-night debrief after we get back, because…” I lean down so I’m eye level with my phone. I have some news you may not love.”

“Oh, about you all going out tonight?” He rolls his eyes.

“You know about that?”

“I know everything.”

I cock my head to the side. “How?”

“Chris overheard some of the guys talking.” He shrugs.

“Sorry you weren’t invited.”

He laughs. “I wouldn’t go even if I was invited. I try to keep the line very clear that I’m your boss and not your friend.”

“Oh, is that the message you’re sending me as well?”

“I’m not sending you any messages, Raegan. I speak them loud and clear. Do you need a refresher?”

His voice is low and vibrates through me. I shake my head, because all his refresher would succeed in doing is turning me on while there’s nothing he could do about it. “Maybe I could get out of going…”

He shakes his head. “Baby, I think you should go. You’ll have fun.”

“I’d have more fun with you.”

He smiles that lethal grin and I press my thighs together, willing away the ache that’s building between my legs. “Undoubtedly, but it’s good for you all to hang out. It’s good for morale when you all get along.”
