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“I do appreciate the intro, as well as you trying to butter me up. Come on in,” he says and we follow him in.

“Mr. Graham, it’s very nice to meet you,” Wes says, holding his hand out once we’re in the foyer.

“Likewise. My daughter has had very nice things to say about you,” my dad says as they shake hands.

The sounds of my sliding glass door opening and closing send me into a panic because Lucas wasn’t supposed to be here!

“Dammit,” I say under my breath.

“Well well well, what do we have here?” Lucas strolls into the room, pulling off a beanie and his coat.

“I thought you were going to the movies with Avery?” I say through gritted teeth.

“And miss out on meeting your boyfriend? Never. And I’m hurt that I wasn’t included in this from the jump. HURT,” he says and I glare at my dad who clearly must have told him about this. “I’m Lucas, Rae’s very lovable—but will also kill for her—younger brother.” He smiles and I glare at him with a look I hope he reads asI’m going to kill YOU.

“This is Wes,” I grit out.

Wes chuckles next to me and shakes my brother’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.” I see him looking at me in my periphery before he turns back to Lucas. “I know it seems like she’s not too happy with you right now, but she’s crazy about you. Both of you really. It’s a little intimidating to meet the only two men that have ever meant anything to her.” My heart softens and I’m immediately less irritated with Lucas. I look up at him before shooting my eyes to my brother and father.

“Damn,” Lucas says as he looks to my father. “I kind of like him.” He rubs his jaw. “What was I supposed to say again? Oh! The age thing.” He looks back to Wes. “You’re kind of old for Rae, what’s that about?”

“Lucas!” I stomp my foot at him.

“What?!” He shrugs. “It’s a valid question. Also, I do actually have plans with Avery, so can we wrap this up?” He spins his index finger in a circle.

“You’re not helping. Go away.” My dad’s eyes snap to Lucas.

“I’m just messing with you,” Lucas says with a slap to Wes’ back. “Not about the killing for her thing though.” He points a finger at him. “Remember that.”

The rest of the interaction goes fine, albeit a little awkward, and the three of us—against my will—are supposed to have dinner next week.

We are at dinner in a private room of one of my favorite restaurants having just finished the best crème brûlée I’ve ever had when Wes moves back from the table and pats his lap. I’m out of my chair instantly, like that simple gesture is a call my body can’t resist. I’m in his lap and he trails a finger over my face. “Happy birthday, beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“I have something else for you.”

“If it’s anotherCartierbox, you’re returning it.”

He rolls his eyes followed by a look that lets me know he’s planning to test that in the near future.He hands me an envelope and the first thing I notice when I open it, is the words are not in English. “It’s in French.”

“You can’t read it? Did you lie in your interview?” His mouth drops open as he tuts at me.

I glare at him before reading that we have dinner reservations atLe Cinqfor Valentine’s Day weekend next month.

“Are you telling me we are going to Paris for Valentine’s Day?”

He squints his eyes at the paper. “Is that what it says? My French isn’t great.”

“Wes…” I set the paper down and push my lips to his. “I love you so much.”And Christ, do I.“Does this mean we can go shopping too?”

“Only if I can come with you in the dressing room again.”

“Absolutely.” I tell him. We kiss for I don’t know how long before he pulls away.

“You know, I’ve been thinking about something you said a month ago.” I narrow my eyes wanting him to go on. “About why I’m not married.” I nod, remembering. “I figured out why.” I run my fingers through his hair as I wait for his response. “So, I’d be available when you were ready for a husband.”

May 2023
