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He averts his gaze. "What do you mean what am I doing?"

"Tal. Come on. Have a seat." I kick out the stool next to me.

He walks over and sits down, still not looking at me.

"Are you okay about last night?" I ask.

He finally turns to meet my gaze. "Which part?"

"Good question. Should we go through the events one by one?"

He smiles. "Let’s."

"First things first, are you okay with what I told you?"

"More than okay," he responds straightaway. "You know me, I'm a one-person, shame-free zone. You could have told me anything, and I would never,everjudge you."

"I do know that, but thank you for saying it. I've been rejected and shamed for my preferences before, and it's the worst feeling. I know I'm safe with you. I never doubted that, but it was still scary."

"I bet." He bites into his lip. "And what about the thing I told you?"


Fuck. How do I handle this?

"I need some time, Tal. Not because I don't necessarily feel the same way," I rush to add. "It was just the sheer shock of it. I'm bowled over, man. You could've told me you were going to perform at the next Eurovision, and that would have surprised me less."

"That's fair. I get it." He's still not looking at me.

"I promise to be honest with you, and as soon as I work stuff out in my head, I'll share it with you, okay? I'm not going to string you along or play games."

Finally,finally, he looks up at me. "I know you'd never do that."

His trust, his affection, the sheer love in his eyes slams into me. God, he really does love me. It's so big I can feel it in the room, between us, emanating from him like rays from the sun.

"And what about the sex?" I ask.

His lips twitch. "What about it?"

"On a scale of one to ten…"

"A million. For me, that is. You?"

"A million and one. I've had sex before, but that was something else."

Tal nods. "I've hada lotof sex before and, yeah, it really fucking was."

That feeling that slammed into me turns to mush, a warm, goopy mush that oozes into every corner of my body.

Tal has had a lot of sex, and honestly, it doesn't bother me, but is it wrong that it brings me a weird sense of satisfaction to know that, of all the guys he's been with, I'm the best?

"So will things be all right tonight?" he asks.


"Yeah. Dinner with your brothers, remember? We're good, aren't we? I wouldn't want them picking up on anything between us."

"Yeah, we're good. And trust me, my brothers won't pick up on anything."
