Page 85 of River Strong

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Holden laughed. “I’m sure you do. Any thought as to where you’d like to get married?”

“Oakley and I haven’t discussed it, but I’d love to get married right here on the ranch.”

“Wonderful idea. If Oakley is agreeable, you can have it right here in the house.”

WHENOAKLEYARRIVEDat the ranch, Pickett already had the horses saddled. He’d told her they were going on a picnic. Spring had come early to the Powder River Basin. The sun felt warm against her face as she walked under a cloudless blue sky out to where he was standing by the two saddled horses.

A light breeze ruffled his hair, his dark blue eyes shining, as he smiled at her. It had been a while since they’d gone horseback riding. They’d spent as much time as possible together. While he was working on the McKenna Ranch, she’d been helping her mother at the Stafford Ranch.

Her mother hadn’t mentioned Tilly and Cooper’s wedding or their long honeymoon in Hawaii. Nor had she said anything about Oakley dating Pickett Hanson, even though she surely knew.

They’d fallen into a companionable arrangement as her mother let her help with running the ranch, taking over Tilly’s duties. Ryder and Brand seemed to spend more time in the house when Oakley was there—and CJ gone. CJ’s trial was still months away. Oakley noticed how her mother didn’t mention his name. No one else did, either.

“Perfect day for a ride,” she said to Pickett now as she gave him a kiss, he handed her the reins and she swung up into the saddle. This was where she felt most at home, she thought as he mounted his horse and they headed out toward the mountains.

They rode up to an outcropping of rocks and Pickett reined in. The view was incredible, but today it was breathtaking. The spring breeze smelled of new leaves and wild grasses. She breathed it in, marveling at this wide-open country as vast as the sky overhead. The river, the one constant in this basin, wound through it all, a glistening ribbon through the cottonwoods.

Oakley had been so busy looking at the country that she hadn’t noticed that Pickett had dismounted and was now standing next to her horse. The moment she saw his face, she knew. Her eyes filled with tears. She had wondered when it would happen, how he would do it. She should have known he’d make it perfect, on the side of a mountain on horseback.

“Oakley Stafford, will you marry me?” he asked as he produced a small velvet box and held it out to her.

Her throat closed with emotion. She nodded, feeling tears trail down her cheeks. “Oh, yes,” she croaked out and they both laughed, her through her tears.

He opened the box, took out the ring and slipped it on her finger. She stared at it for only a moment, the diamond glittering in the spring sunlight. “It’s beautiful.”

“You’re beautiful.”

She slid off her horse and into his arms. “I can’t wait to marry you.”

“I was hoping you’d say that because I’m not sure I can stand a long engagement.” He kissed her, drawing her closer as the horses whinnied impatiently. “We’ve never talked about a wedding. If you want one like Tilly’s—”

“No,” she cried and then they both laughed again. “I want something small, simple, quick,” she said with a grin.

“Holden said we could use the house to get married,” he said cautiously.

“That would be perfect,” she said instantly.

“What about your mother?” he asked, looking worried.

“We’ll invite her. Who knows? She might come.”

“I wouldn’t count on that.”

She smiled up into his handsome face. “I just want to marry you. Nothing else matters. I can’t wait to become Mrs. Oakley Hanson.”

He stared at her, his face filled with emotion. “I never thought I’d hear those words.”

Oakley snuggled against him as they turned to take in the view. “About that passel of babies you want to have.” She grinned up at him. “I can’t imagine a more perfect day or more perfect spot than this one to start a family.”

“I love the way you think, cowgirl,” he said and kissed her.
