Page 47 of The Nanny

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“I wish I had your fingers instead,” I coo, a practiced act that is hardly an act with him. I actually wish that I did.

“I’d give you more than fingers,” he promises huskily. “I’d have you full of my cock for the rest of the weekend.”


“Would you like that, Cici? Would you like to come on my cock?”

“Mm-hmm.” I move my fingers a little faster. “I wish I could see it.”

“Maybe you will,” he murmurs. “If you want.”

I nod, my lashes fluttering. “I want it. I want you.”

“You have no idea how much I’d like to fuck you, Cassie.”


That’s not right.

He only knows me as Cici.

My eyes fly open, surprised to find my camera has disappeared, Aiden sitting in its place and watching me intently. His eyes burn as they drink in the way I’m touching myself, and even though I’m shocked that he’s here, my only thought is to beg him to come do this for me. To touch me with his hands and his mouth and his cock until I can’t even remember my own name.


His voice is clearer now. Stronger. Touching my skin like the brush of fingertips. He says it again and again as I work myself faster and faster, feeling my orgasm so close that it makes my legs shake. I know if I do what he’s asked of me, he’ll close the distance and do all the things I want him to.

I’m so close. So impossibly close. And he’s still watching me, and I just need a little more, and I’ll—

I shoot out of bed, still sweating and flushed and out of breath—all from a damned dream. I can still see Aiden’s eyes on me even now, and the memory is enough to ensure there is a very real tingling between my legs.

Get it together, Cassie.

Obviously, I still haven’t completely come to grips with my discovery this morning, my conversation with Aiden last night still fresh on my mind. I’m still on edge with the knowledge that the man whose house I’m living in, and who for all intents and purposes is myboss—has seen me naked. Has seen me nakeda lot.It makes me equal parts flustered and “I would like to crawl into a hole and die, please,” and thinking about all of the things Aiden has paid to watch me do sends me into a tizzy.

God, the things he haspaidto watch me do.

Not to mention all the other questions that pop up whenever I think about it, which admittedly has been most of the night, since I’ve barely slept. Questions like: Where the fuck did he go? Why did he suddenly disappear after mentioning that he wanted to meet me? Meet me forreal?Not only do I have to relive the embarrassment of what had turned out to be nothing more than cyber–pillow talk, but I have to relive it in person, face-to-face with the person who even now, even a year later, still holds a dominant corner of my thoughts whenever I am careless enough to let them stray.

I reach blindly for my phone and check the time. It’s still early, but I know that anytime now Sophie will be doing her morning zombie walk down the stairs and expecting breakfast. Breakfast that we will now be sharing with Aiden, who I now know isA. What a horrible time to push him to spend more time at home. I think this might be my punishment for ogling my shirtless boss.

God, how in the hell did I manage to form a crush on thesameman twice? One who is as out of my reach now as he’d been then?It’s not like Aiden will ever be interested in me outside of the job he hired me to do.Especiallyif he finds out I’m the same woman he left behind like a box of old rocks.

It’s so ridiculous it doesn’t even feel possible.

Still... I’d always wondered whatAlooked like. Given the nature of our relationship, it hadn’t even struck me as odd that he interacted with me via voice chat only. It was a common practice that I had more than become accustomed to, but I won’t pretend that I hadn’t (and haven’t since) spent countless hours wondering what sort of face might have gone with the low, hushed voice that would quietly direct me to touch myself in a myriad of ways. The reality of it is... decidedly more than I could have ever expected, given that sometimes it seems like Aiden was specifically designed with the sole purpose of driving me to distraction.

This is going to be the most awkward breakfast in the history of breakfasts.

I manage to pull myself out of bed, knowing that if I don’t, Sophie will come looking for me, or worse, Aiden will—and Aiden in my bedroom is not something I’m equipped to deal with yet. So I force myself into my robe like that fickle bitch universe didn’t drop the mother of all surprises on me only hours earlier, tying it tight as I shuffle to the bathroom to tame my hair into something slightly presentable. There are dark circles under my eyes, which I guess makes sense, given how little sleep I got last night, and I splash some cold water on my face in an attempt to wake myself up more.

Not the best I’ve ever looked, but I guess it will have to do.

I can hear Aiden and Sophie’s voices upstairs in the kitchen when I leave my bedroom, closing the door behind me and taking a deep breath to steady myself before I join them. Because of course they’re both already awake. I tell myself that I can do this, that I can pretend like nothing is wrong and keep doing my job—because Ineedthis job—reasoning that Aiden has long forgotten about our past at this point, and that I can do the same thing.

They’re both sitting at the counter when I reach the top of the stairs, both laughing about something I didn’t hear as Aiden reaches to ruffle Sophie’s sleep-mussed hair. I notice that Aiden looks as tired as I feel, sporting the same dark circles and a bit of a five-o’clock shadow to boot. It’s completely unfair how much better tired looks on Aiden than it does on me. Although, I highly doubt we are tired for the same reasons. I find a bit of comfort in that, at least.Aidenwasn’t up half the night thinking about the person at the opposite level of the house.

He notices me then, the bright green and soft brown of his eyes turning my way before his lips curl in a careful smile—almost like he’s worried he might spook me. I guess that’s fair, given that I practically ran away from him last night.
