Page 115 of Inescapable Darkness

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I will… die.

My entire mind rebels at the thought. And I must have jerked back physically too, because the chain to my manacles rattles behind me.

A gun appears against my temple immediately.

“Watch,” the guard orders yet again.

Dragging my gaze back to the room before me, I watch as Mr. Morelli picks up a set of tools and gets to work on Sebastian. Soon, blood runs down Sebastian’s skin. His body shakes, but he keeps his jaw clenched, not making a sound. Just like we have been trained.

And right now, I’m grateful for that. Because I only have until he starts screaming before it’s my turn.

I don’t want to be here. I want to go home. I want tohave a hometo go home to.

All my life, I have been an emotionless ghost who simply killed on command. I have faced death more times than I can count, and I have never begged. Never pleaded for mercy. But right now, I’m on the verge of begging for my life.

Because now, I’ve gotten a taste of it. I know what it would feel like to have a life. A real life. And I want it more than anything.

My body trembles, but it’s not from the cold.

On the other side of the glass, Federico continues torturing Sebastian.

A scream shatters through the room.

My heart drops.

Sucking in short shallow breaths, I watch Mr. Morelli drag one more scream from Sebastian’s throat. Then he sets his instruments down and turns towards the door.

Everything inside me is screaming as the mafia king stalks towards me.

My heart thrashes behind my ribs.

I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die.

Because now, after twenty-two years of being a ghost, I finally know.

I know that I like thrillers but not romance books. I know that I like board games more than video games. I know what kind of toppings I like on my waffles. I even know how to watch something on TV.

That last thought threatens to make a broken sob rip from my throat.

I know what it’s like to own something. To own a necklace that was bought specifically for me and that is mine and mine alone.

And I know what it’s like to want to protect someone. What it’s like to care about someone so much that I would willingly give up my life for him. What it’s like to love someone.

My heart aches.

If I could’ve had that life, if Rico and I could’ve had that life together that I let myself dream of, then I would’ve protected it with everything I have. I would’ve faced hell itself for a chance to have that life with him.

“You,” Mr. Morelli says as he comes to a halt in front of me.

Desperation crashes over me as I stare up into his merciless eyes.

Please. I don’t want to die.

The words are right there on my tongue. But I can’t bring myself to say them. I am going to die. There is no question about it. But I will face it the same way that I have faced everything in my life.

By staring death right in the eyes, and waiting for death to blink first.

Federico Morelli lets out a huff, and I can’t tell if it’s amusement or approval or disgust.
