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His muscles shift underneath his tight-fitting t-shirt as he shoves the mattress aside and checks the bedframe. I make note of how easy that move seems to him. If worst comes to worst and I end up having to fight him one day, I need to make sure that he never manages to grab me or ends up on top of me. I might be more skilled than him, but in a battle of raw strength, I will definitely lose.

When he doesn’t find anything in the bed, he continues to the desk. Papers rustle as he goes through the drawers. Then he checks underneath it and behind it as well.

Out in the living room, the sound of books hitting the floor echoes through the air and mingles with the clanging noises from the kitchen.

Once again, Rico’s search comes up empty. He slams the desk drawer shut before straightening and turning around to face me. But there is no anger in his eyes when he meets my gaze. Only shrewd calculation.

He moves on to the closet. I remain by the wall, tracking him with my gaze, as he yanks out all of the clothes that were hanging inside the closet and throws them on the floor. Fabric flutters and hangers clatter as they land in a pile.

That search naturally reveals nothing either, but he still checks every wall of the closet and behind it too before shoving the doors shut. Then he stalks over to my dresser. He yanks open the first drawer.

I already know what he will find there, so I just continue watching him from where I’m standing by the wall.

Rico slowly reaches into the drawer and picks something up. Then he turns to me and holds it up into the air.

It’s a pair of black lace panties.

Part of Isabella Johnson’s persona is that she likes wearing sexy underwear even though no one ever sees them.

I know that a normal person would be embarrassed by what Rico is doing, but it’s difficult to blush on command. So instead, I clear my throat and glance away to fake a similar reaction.

“This is what you wear?” he says. It sounds like something halfway between a question and a statement.

I just keep my eyes on the ground as if I’m too embarrassed to look him in the eye.

“Look at me,” he orders.

Drawing in a breath, I raise my eyes and meet his gaze.

My heart flips in my chest at the way he is watching me.

While still holding those black lace panties, he rakes his gaze over my body. I’m wearing a t-shirt and a pair of hot pants, but I suddenly feel like I’m completely naked before that searing gaze.

“This is what you wear,” he repeats. “Underneath that?”

“Yes,” I reply. And now my damn cheeks are heating, but for a slightly different reason.

He watches me in silence for a few seconds while a smile ghosts across his lips. But all he says is, “Interesting.”

Then he goes back to searching the drawers. But this time, he doesn’t do it quickly and efficiently as he did with the rest of the room. Instead, he picks up each pair of panties and each bra and holds them up for me to see. I know why he’s doing it. He’s searching through it all in the most humiliating way possible in order to force me into trying to stop him so that I will reveal that I’m not as average as I pretend to be.

I don’t take the bait.

Resting my back against the wall, I just stand there and watch him go through my entire underwear drawer.

His dark brows furrow slightly when he gets no reaction from me. But he continues his search. Once he’s done, he straightens again and shoves the final drawer shut.

“You’re a very meek and obedient one, aren’t you?” he mocks. Leaning his hip against the dresser, he crosses his arms and drags his gaze over my body again before locking a commanding stare on me. “I fondled all of your underwear, and you didn’t protest once.”

“You’re a Hunter.”


“I’ve been told that if I’m ever unlucky enough to find you on my doorstep, I should just let you do whatever you want.”

A smirk curves his lips. “Is that so?”

Pushing off from the drawer, he leans down and picks up a pair of panties that he tossed on the floor earlier. These ones are a dark purple color. He spins them around his finger as he saunters up to me where I’m still standing against the wall.
