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He leads me to a table in the corner. The best table in the entire restaurant because it gives us an unobstructed view of the entire place, along with the door and any other points of entry, while also allowing us to have a wall at our backs. It’s the best possible location to be in if we were to suddenly be attacked. I let out a soft huff of amusement. He really is as paranoid as I am, isn’t he?

I slide onto the padded seat on my side of the booth. The fabric is soft and in a deep red color, contrasting against the pale wood that the rest of it is made of. There is a pink and white striped tablecloth covering the table. In fact, red, pink, and white seems to be the theme of the restaurant because almost all decorations along the walls are in those colors as well.

“So,” I begin as Rico settles himself opposite me. “Waffles, huh?”

“Of course.” He lifts his broad shoulders in a shrug. “Post-sex waffles are the best kind of waffles.”

“Come here a lot then, do you?”

He raises his eyebrows and gives me a pointed look. “Did you just call me a whore?”


Something between a laugh and a huff of mock affront escapes his chest. Then he narrows his eyes slightly as a knowing expression settles on his features. “Given how fucking incredible you are in bed, I’m betting you’re not exactly a virgin either.”

The first half of that sentence sends a surge through me and makes the world tilt momentarily, so it takes an extra second to process the rest of it.Given how fucking incredible you are in bed. Gods, the way he said that. Apparently, he enjoyed our activities this afternoon just as much as I did.

Memories of it immediately flash through my mind again, which really isn’t helping me keep my wits about me. Blocking it all out, I clear my throat.

“No,” I admit. “I’m not a virgin either.”

The Hands of Peace believe in a thorough education, so all members also train in the art of sex. In case a mission requires that sort of assassination plan. When I was eighteen and nineteen, I regularly fucked some members who were my own age in order to practice how it’s done. I’ve slept with some marks too. But all of it was for a purpose. To train. Or to kill. Never because it was simply something I wanted to do for my own enjoyment.

“I would like a list.”

I blink, yanked back to the present by Rico’s nonchalant demand. Frowning, I stare at him from across the table. “A what?”

“A list of names.” He holds my gaze. Dead serious. “Of the people you have slept with.”

Suspicion blows through me as I narrow my eyes at him. “Why?”

“I just want to know which names to put at the top of my hit list once I graduate.”

I laugh. A sly smile plays over his lips, but he keeps his eyes locked on mine. He must just be joking. Heshouldbe joking. And yet…

“Hi and welcome to Waffle Kingdom,” a young man suddenly says from right next to us. “I’m…” He trails off. “Oh. Mr. Hunter. I, uhm…”

Rico keeps his eyes on me, that odd look still on his face, so I break eye contact and turn towards the waiter who has now trailed off. Just like his voice indicated, he is indeed a young man. Can’t be more than nineteen. With blond hair and blue eyes that look slightly too big for his face.

“Welcome back. It’s so nice to see you here again.” He casts a nervous glance between me and Rico, who is still only staring at me. “And your lady friend too.”

At last, Rico drags his gaze to the young man. “You can just give us the menus and then leave. I’ll summon you when we’re ready to order.”

“Yes, sir. Of course. Sorry.”

He quickly places two menus on the table in front of us and then hurries away. There was nothing threatening or rude about the way Rico spoke to him. And yet, the guy leaped to obey and even apologized when he hadn’t actually done anything wrong. As always, the world and the people in it bend to Rico’s will as if it’s the natural order.

Mr. Hunter, he had said. I almost scoff. If he only knew who Rico really is, then he would probably have been on his knees begging forgiveness for the imagined slights too.

“What?” Rico asks.

Tearing my gaze from the retreating waiter, I shift my attention back to the mafia prince before me. “You can’t tell me you don’t see it.”

“See what?”

I motion towards where the waiter was standing a few seconds ago. “This. The way people act around you.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
