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Not only does she understand me in ways that no one else does, she’s also absolutelylethal.

As the heir to the Morelli family, anyone I bring into my life will always be in danger. Any woman I married would always be at risk of getting kidnapped as a way for my enemies to put pressure on me. But Isabella… If I were to marry Isabella, she wouldn’t live her life in fear of our enemies. No. Our enemies would live in fear ofher.

I leap backwards as Isabella yet again presses the advantage. Her hand shoots towards my solar plexus, and I only barely manage to shove her fist sideways so that it strikes me in the side instead. Once more, pain pulses through my bones.

With every passing moment, it becomes increasingly clear that I’m outmatched.

I am outmatched against Isabella.

Yes, I’m bigger than her. And yes, I’m stronger than her. But her technique is so flawless, so effortless, that she somehow still has me on the defensive.

When I was younger, my parents and grandfather naturally made sure I had a solid training in both hand-to-hand combat and in handling weapons. And I’ve gone through over two years of training at Blackwater.

But Isabella… She fights as if she was born doing it. As if she knew how to move in battle before she even knew how to walk. It’s effortless. Graceful. And so fucking hot that I almost forget what we’re doing here.

Watching her skills, hertrueskills, makes my soul sing and my blood heat so much that I almost want to lose just so that she can put me on my back on the ground and then ride my cock while that fierce wildness burns in her eyes.

It takes all of my willpower to force that image out of my mind and instead concentrate fully on the fight.

Yes, Isabella would be perfect for me in every way.

Too bad we’re enemies.

She feints a strike to my face while twisting sideways to deliver a savage kick towards my knee. I jump backwards before she can shatter my kneecap. Landing on the ground, I yank my arms up in preparation for her to push the advantage. But she doesn’t.

Instead, she dives forwards and a little to the side.

And that’s when I realize what she has been forcing me to move back towards these past couple of minutes.

The gun.

I lunge forward, but it’s already too late.

Isabella grabs the gun while still diving forward. And in one fluid motion, she rolls into a crouch, leaps to her feet, and spins around.

I freeze as she levels the gun at my head.



Shoot him, my brain screams at me.Do it. Shoot him.

My chest heaves as I stare at Rico from two steps away. His chest is heaving even worse than mine.

Damn, he’s good. Much better than I had expected, even after watching that brief fight against the Petrovs. Against just him alone, I expected to be able to finish this fight much,muchfaster than I did. He might not have the almost two decades of harsh battle training that I have, but gods above, the man knows how to fight.

If I ever were to settle down with someone, it would be a man like him. Not only because he sees the parts of me that no one else does, but also because he can hold his own. With the Hands of Peace out for my head, anyone I dare to get close to will always be in danger. But with Rico, I wouldn’t have to worry. He is just as paranoid as me, and one hell of a fighter.

It takes everything I have to force those images, those dreams of a real life, out of my mind.

He came here to kill me. So now I need to kill him and then get the hell out of this city before both the Hands of Peace and the entire Morelli empire descend on me.

Shoot him, my logical brain snaps at me again.Shoot him now and rectify your mistake from six years ago.

Barely a second has passed since I aimed the gun at his head, but I feel like time has stopped moving.

I know what I should do. What I need to do. Just one squeeze of my finger and this will all be over. Rico was supposed to have died that night six years ago anyway. He has already had six extra years to live because of me. Because I let him live that night. So I’m not taking anything from him. I have already given him too much.
