Page 57 of Always With You

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He shakes his head. “No! That’s not what I mean. Alisha, I care about you. I know you just can’t see it, but I do. Please let me do what I feel is best for you. Don’t take this from me.I want you to trust me to take care of you and to keep you safe.”

“But I have lived my life without bodyguards, and nothing has happened to me in all these years!”

“Alisha, it just takes a single incident for something to happen. And I can’t risk that.”

I chuckle and take my hand from his hold as I rise on my feet with my used plates. “What if something happens to me in the presence of your bodyguard? Can he protect me twenty-four bar seven? Even from a mishap?”

“He will protect you with his life, nothing will happen to you. Not even a scratch. God forbid, if you get hurt in his presence, thenI will bury him.” His steely eyes make me shudder.

I shake my head and turn around to face the sink. “I guess I can live with the fact of having a bodyguard.”

“Thanks,” he says, but I don’t turn around to face him.

I put the plates in the sink. But after a moment, his next words freeze me.

“I love you, Alisha.”

I turn around and look at him blankly. His admission almost brings me to my knees. My heart is fluttering in my chest and the butterflies are working overtime in my belly. I open my mouth to say something, but no words come out. I feel this pull towards him, but I am unable to admit to myself what I really want. It’s risky, because my heart is at stake here. I am still not sure if I can trust him with it.

“Please say something. Don’t keep me hanging,” he urges after a few minutes of silence.

I take a deep breath. “Ranveer, I am not sure if I can do this,” I say as I point between the two of us. “My past relationship has made it difficult to trust in love.”

His face falls at my words. “Take your time. I will wait till eternity if I have to, but I will make your heart mine. I know it sounds over the top, but this is what I want in all honesty. Alisha, I don’t care how tough the wait will be for me, I am just not giving up hope. I love you, and I want to be with you all my life. And that will never change.”

I close my eyes, collecting my thoughts. And when I open my eyes, I see him standing there with hope in his eyes. “I need time, Ranveer.”

He nods his head in understanding. “I am not going anywhere, Wifey. I have full faith in myself that in the end, I will make my wife fall in love with me.” He then takes a step towards me and kisses my forehead. “I hate to say this, but I have an important meeting, which I can’t miss. Ajay will be here to take you to the boutique. I will see you in the evening,” he murmurs as he steps away. He then turns around and walks out.

My eyes follow Ranveer’s receding back. So much has happened in these few minutes. Ranveer said he loves me. The sincerity in those black eyes of his says he does and is not lying. His actions in the past few days also support his confession. But the real question is, can a Casanova commit? And more importantly, can I once again believe in love after my past relationship failure? Not to mention the fact that it’s only been a few days since we have been married. Love sounds too soon at this point. God! Why do things have to be so damn complex? I thought I was getting myself into a loveless marriage. No! Instead, I am married to a guy whose gentleness and caresses are begging me to give him a chance. My heart agrees to it and wants nothing more than to let his love take over. But it is my head that is warning me it’s a bad idea. Sighing with frustration, I head for the shower; maybe that will help clear my head.

After my shower, I feel refreshed, but my head is still a jumbled mess, and my heart is still screaming to trust Ranveer. I need to give it time. I can’t make any decisions in haste.Abruptly, I banish all the thoughts from my mind.

Groaning, I step out of my room to start my day.

Chapter 25


It’s been a few weeks since I confessed my sentiments to Alisha. She is still tongue-tied about sharing her feelings about me. Yet, the idea of my one-sided love is enough to make me realise how her confession is irrelevant when it comes to the way I hold her deeply in my heart. What started as attraction, has blossomed into true love for me. I’ve never looked forward to committing myself to a relationship, let alone being tied to one single woman for the rest of my life. However, ever since I met her, my ideologies have metamorphosed to an extent that astound me. Her grounded, caring nature is just one of the many reasons why I love her so much.

Things have changed between us since then. We even spend time together whenever we are free and watch movies, have meals, and chat about our day. The moments I spend with her are the best ones in my life. In her own little ways, she shows that she cares for me and is inching towards the pull between us. And till she takes time to catch up with me, all I am doing is savouring the journey that we’re on, where we are exploring our relationship. Knowing that she is trying to open her heart to me is all that matters to me for now. I am sure that with time, I will be able to bridge even this distance between us. Every day, I’ll strive to keep a smile on her face and make it impossible for her to resist me.

I’m sitting in the living room of my grandpa’s house. He invited Alisha, me, and that annoying Akshay for dinner. As usual, the dinner was a lavish affair owing to Grandpa’s love for food. Once done, Alisha suggested a game of chess with Grandpa. Akshay is sharing about his new takeover of one of the five-star properties in Dubai. I am trying to show interest in what he is saying but failing miserably. I really don’t care a damn. All my focus is on my wife.

I lift my eyes and see how comfortable and happy Grandpa is in her company. If I had any uneasiness about how Alisha would get along with my grandpa, it has now totally disappeared as I observe them sitting opposite me, looking congenial. Grandpa’s smile on his face shows genuine adoration and Alisha’s easy-going interaction with him is sincere. I could not have asked for a better partner who fits so perfectly in my life. Her incredible strength and kindness amaze me every day.

I take a sip of my whiskey and continue to stare at Alisha, uncaring if it makes me seem like an obsessed stalker. All her focus is on Grandpa. She isn’t paying the least bit of attention to me, but I still feel she is subconsciously beckoning me to come closer to her with every adorable expression on her face. Her long, chocolate brown locks are pulled up in a messy bun. Her pink dress is the same colour as her cheeks. I will myself to tear my eyes from her, but my eyes and brain are not in coordination. To be honest, I don’t want to look anywhere but at her. She is way too gorgeous. I allow myself a few more minutes to admire her from head to toe. When I spot the vermilion in her partition and the wedding chain around her neck, I feel a rush of sentiments travel through my body. The thought that of all the people, it was me who got this opportunity to be with her, makes me the luckiest bastard in the world. But the irony of this is that I still need to disrupt the barricades between us.

Those hazel brown eyes of hers are sparkling as she moves a piece of chess on the board. The image of her eyes shining when I would make love to her, fills my mind. I can feel myself getting hard. Damn! That smile has that effect on me. Her sweet voice echoes in my ears as I imagine her calling out my name when I would make her cum. A grin graces my lips and I shake my head. I’ll have to make sure to soon turn my dream into reality and pull myself out of misery.

“Are you even paying attention to a word I just said?!” I hear Akshay grumble next to me.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts before I unwillingly take my eyes off her to glare at him.

“Do you mind dropping work-related talks? We are here for a family dinner, and not at some business gathering,” I grumble in an irritated tone.

He blinks his eyes rapidly, shocked. “Did you just say that? I thought business is the only thing that piques your interest.”
