Page 123 of The Skinny

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“Yeah,” Tobias answered, “if that’s cool with you guys.”

“It’s cool with us ’cause it’s cool with Zel,” Aithan replied.

“Yup,” Drew said. “Been expecting you to join the harem, just didn’t know it would be like this.”

Tobias stopped.“Harem?”

“Yup,” Drew repeated. “Get used to it.”

“We’re a family,” Aithan said. “And you’re a part of it.”

“Stay for dinner?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Thanks, but I can’t. I promised Little Bit we’d make mulled cider and watch Christmas specials tonight.”

Nodding, I left the three of them unpacking groceries and headed for the master bathroom to get de-floured. Their voices followed me up the stairs as Drew and Aithan peppered him with questions.

I still had worries about Greer and Tristan, what I’d do about my fucked-up thyroid, and what this ‘just friends’ thing with Tobias really meant.

But I smiled despite those worries. I loved three incredible guys, and they loved me back — each in their own unique way. I lived in a gorgeous house with a stunning view. And I had the best job in the world.

Lulu and Frank charged into the master bathroom, had a mad tussle that sent the rug flying, and streaked into the closet. The sounds of cat war followed, then they shot off into the bedroom like maniacs while I laughed.

Nope, not too many things to worry about.

“You know, Zaftig Zel, you’re pretty fucking lucky,” I muttered as I stripped out of my flour-streaked clothes. In the last few months my guys and I had faced down my self-loathing, Aithan’s PTSD, Drew’s horrific childhood, Greer’s selfishness, Tristan’s betrayal, Tobias’s distrust, and Maeve’s insanity. Phew! And we’d come out the other side as a happy, loving family.

“Harem.” I giggled.

Turning on the shower, I let the water trickle over my hand as it heated. “Yep, that’s the skinny of it. I am one fortunate woman with three amazing men.” I caught my reflection in the mirror and smiled. “I kinda, sorta think maybe I deserve them.”

