Page 25 of The Skinny

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“Give him space,” he said.

I wanted to argue but turned back to the food instead.

Stupid Little Shit. Scrawny Fuck. Missed Period.The memory of Drew’s horrible nicknames echoed in my mind.

Aithan was right. Drew needed to process whatever memories Amara’s situation had triggered. That wasn’t something I could do for him. If he wanted or needed my help, he’d ask for it.

“Tell us what you know? What’s his story?” Candace asked.

I dragged in a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “I don’t know the whole thing. Only that his dad viciously abused Drew, his younger sister, and their mom.”

“He said they’re dead?”

“Yeah. His dad murdered his mom when he was thirteen. His sister committed suicide four years ago.”

“Fuck,” Tobias muttered.

“Where’s his dad?” Aithan asked. “Prison?” He hadn’t asked Drew about his childhood, too respectful to pry, I guess.

I shook my head. “Also dead. I don’t know the exact circumstances, but I know he was murdered, and Drew witnessed it.”

“Holy shit,” Candace said, and Tobias added, “No wonder he was such a hard-ass about Amara.”

I nodded. “Drew can’t stomach even a whisper of child endangerment.”

“He gonna be okay?” Candace asked.

“Oh, yeah. He’s resilient. That’s how he survived.”

Tobias sighed. “Didn’t know he could get that intense.”

“Seriously. He always seems so chill,” Candace added.

Tobias scratched his jaw. “That shit’s true, Zel?”

“One hundred percent. He gets insomnia for days.”

Aithan started passing out plates. “I wondered about that.”

“I think he gets nightmares, so he stays awake working until his brain and body can’t take anymore. Then he sleeps hard and doesn’t remember his dreams.”



I pulledmy phone from my pocket. “I’m forwarding the contact information for Tanner & Walsh to you, Tobias.” I typed up a message. “And I’ll add a note that you were referred to Joseph Tanner by Hob Gordon’s daughter.”

His eyes widened. “They were the first firm recommended to me when I filed for divorce. I can’t afford them, Zel.”

“My dad always says a good lawyer is cheaper than a shitty one,” I said. “And you have friends who can help with the cost.”

“Starting with me,” Aithan said.

“And me and Drew.”

Tobias shook his head. “I can’t accept money from all of you.”

“Why the hell not?” Aithan said. “I backed Scumwater. You repaid that loan early. You think I wouldn’t give you every dime I have to help Mari?”
