Page 26 of The Skinny

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Tobias threw up his hands. “No, man, I know you would. That’s the point.”

Candace slapped her hand on the kitchen counter. “For fuck’s sake, Tobias! Accept help. Maeve knows she’s got you over a barrel, and she can afford to keep you there until you’re completely broke.”

I touched his arm. “If money’s an issue, I’ll ask Drew to write you a loan. He can afford it and he’ll want to remove that barrier, especially if she’s using it as a weapon against you.”

“Exactly,” Aithan said.

“Drew won’t let this go, Tobias,” I added.

“Whaddya mean?” Candace asked as she put serving spoons into the various dishes.

“He paid my hospital bills,” Aithan replied. “Didn’t ask or offer, just did it ’cause he could, easily, and knew it would be a struggle for me.”

“That musta pissed you off,” Tobias said.

“Yeah, it did. But we figured out a trade, lifetime personal training, and that’s helping me get good with it.”

“But that just seems weird.” Tobias shoved his hands in his pockets and threw a quick glance at me. “Like he’s buying friendship or has a hero complex.”

“He’s white knighting, like he admitted, but it’s coming from an honest need to help,” I said. “He sees a problem, knows a solution, and bulldozes everyone else to get it done. He wants to help so badly that he forgets about other people’s egos.”

“This caused problems in the past?” Candace asked as she filled her plate with food.

“Yeah, and he’s learned to be a bit more careful, which is why he didn’t just hire Joe outright on Amara’s behalf.”

She put down her plate and gripped her brother’s arm. “Call this new attorney. We’ll figure out the money later. Please, little brother. Maeve is eating you up inside, and if you’re gonna go broke because of her, at least win Mari’s freedom in the process.”

Tobias hugged her. “Okay. You guys make sense.”

Candace kissed his cheek.

I couldn’t imagine sharing, or even wanting, that kind of closeness with Greer. When I was little, I’d worshipped her, but as I grew up, I saw that her “mothering” was nothing but her wish to control me.

Tobias shook his head. “I never would’ve thought Drew came from such shitty circumstances.”

I nodded. “He dragged himself across the poverty line.”

Tobias sighed. “It’s fucking hard, accepting help, especially from someone I barely know. But I can’t lose Amara or Scumwater. They’re all I have of Juju, and Maeve’s after both. She wants to destroy everything I love because I don’t love her.”

Aithan gripped Tobias’s shoulders and gave him a little shake. “You’re not gonna lose to her. I promise you that.”

Tobias nodded and looked down. “Thanks, man.”

God, I wanted to hug the guy. I couldn’t imagine how hard it was to be a widowed single dad running his own business and fighting his crazy ex-wife.

He shook himself and took his plate to the table. “I guess people overcome their crappy childhoods. I mean, Mari seems to roll with Maeve’s crazy.”

Candace nodded. “Drew obviously didn’t let his fucked-up family life ruin him.”

“Therapy. Lots of it.” I filled my plate. “And he doesn’t wear his abusive upbringing on his sleeve.” I gestured with a serving spoon to all of us. “We had normal childhoods and supportive families. Honestly?” I caught Aithan’s gaze. “We’re Drew’s family.”

His brow furrowed. “What about extended family?”

“None that he acknowledges. They exist, but they refused to step up after he and Millie were orphaned.”

“Oof. That’s some rough shit,” Tobias said. “At least I know my daughter will always have a loving, supportive family.”

I nodded. “Yeah.”
