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“Fancy,” I say as my gaze sweeps around the decent sized room.

“You have one of the en suite rooms,” Trudy, my social worker says. “Hopefully you’ll appreciate your own space.” I raise a brow and she lets out a weary sigh. “Raine, come on—”

“Relax, T, I got it.” I run a finger over the desk, taking it all in again.

There’s a small double bed tucked in the corner of the room, a bedside table, a matching desk and wardrobe, and a small bookshelf with a flatscreen TV mounted on the top.

It isn’t much and yet, it’s more than I’ve ever had.

“What do you think?” she asks as I meet her gaze, giving nothing away.

“It’s fine.”

“Can you try and at least be a little bit excited? It’s your last chance to—”

“I know, okay. I know.” Everything tightens inside me. I don’t need a reminder of what my arrival at All Hallows’ signals.

The posh school on the edge of Saints Cross is the last place I want to be, but Trudy managed to pull some strings with the Deputy Head, her brother, and get me a place.

I don’t relish the idea of repeating my first year of sixth form. But it’s not like I have much choice in the matter. I’m still seventeen which means I’m still under the care of the Local Authority. And after a string of suspensions and a couple of run-ins with the police, being shipped to All Hallows’ is better than being dumped into a young offenders’ institute.

“This is your shot at something better,” Trudy goes on. “You’re a bright girl, Raine. You just need to focus on what’s important.”

Yeah, like keeping my head down, playing the game, and waiting until I age out of the system.

The second I turn eighteen, I’m gone.

“Your pocket money will be transferred into your account weekly. I’ll check in with you every few days at least until you’re settled. And Miss Linley expects you at her office first thing Monday morning.”

Ah yes, the other requirement of my stay at All Hallows’.


Fuck my life.

“She’ll be providing me with regular updates. You’re here to attend class. Keep your head down. And pass your A Levels.”

In other words, stay out of trouble.

“Got it.” I give Trudy a small salute and she rolls her eyes. But after four years together, she is used to me by now.

“I guess this is where we say goodbye then.”

“I’d say thanks for everything but we both know it would be a lie,” I say, flashing her a wide grin.


“Yeah, yeah. I got it, T. I can do this.”

Not long and then I’ll be free.

“All Hallows’ is a good school. I really think you can make it work here.”

“That’s the plan.”
