Page 47 of Brutal Callous Heir

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After inhaling another deep breath, I break my cover and head toward the Subaru.

Part of me feels a little bit guilty targeting Oak, Elliot, and Reese’s cars too. But I need it to look like an indiscriminate attack.

Without second-guessing myself, I get to work. Every second is torture, but I smile the whole time as my hand moves the thick-tipped pen in broad strokes and swishes. The music spilling from inside the Chapel is a haunting backdrop to the moment.

Despite my concentration, I can’t help but think of him.


Is he with a girl? Who am I kidding… he’s probably with Keeley. I’ve heard the stories. Whispers of the basement beneath the Chapel and what goes on inside it.

Sex dungeon indeed, my nose wrinkles with disgust.

But something else coils inside me. Something sticky and bitter.


I’m jealous. It’s a human reaction to being surrounded by people who have everything at their fingertips. The kids partying beyond the ornate chapel doors have more money than sense. Most of them won’t have known a day’s hardship in their posh, entitled lives. They look down on people like me. People with so many invisible scars I feel stitched together sometimes.

I shouldn’t be lusting after one of them. I should be getting angry. Furious.

I am furious.

I finally get to Theo’s Maserati and hesitate. If I do this…

Who the fuck am I kidding?

He deserves it.

For sitting there and watching that guy shove me over. For laughing along with the rest of the students at All Hallows’. For constantly warning me to stay away from Millie. For letting Keeley stake her claim on him.

For making me want him.

I suppress that particular thought. That’s my own stupid fault. I’m clearly not wired right. First Vaughn, and now a conceited, cruel boy like Theo Ashworth.

When will I learn?

When will I realise that despite my situation, my childhood, I deserve more?

By the time I’m done, I fall back onto my arse and inhale a shuddering breath. It’s not my best work but it’ll do.

Voices fill the air, laughter making my hairs stand on end. I freeze, my breath lodged in my throat as I wait for the group of people leaving the party to take off.

Eventually, it goes quiet again and my shoulders sag a little.

I stay low as I hurry back to my backpack, sling it over my shoulder and slip into the trees, letting the shadows swallow me.

Like I was never even there.

* * *

By the time I get back to my room, it’s late. But I still have one more thing to do.

I change into my pyjamas, grab my glass and head for the kitchen. The two girls chatting and laughing go silent when I enter.

“Oh, it’s you,” the blonde says.

