Page 55 of Brutal Callous Heir

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I almost regret it but I’m so close that it doesn’t matter.

My hips rock against his hand as I chase the euphoria building inside me. The inevitable fall I know is so, so close.

“God, yes,” I murmur, eyes closed, mind drifting as pleasure saturates every cell in my body.

“Such a dirty fucking whore.” My eyes snap open, my body vibrating with anger. But I’m almost there. So close I can feel—

“What the hell?” I snap as Theo pulls abruptly away from me.

He might as well have doused me in a bucket of ice-cold water.

“What the fuck was that?” A violent shudder goes through me.

“Tell me the truth, sunshine, and I’ll finish what I started.” His smirk is so fucking smug, it only fuels the anger bubbling under my skin.

“Get out,” I snarl, suddenly realising how ridiculous I must look, standing here in my underwear, in some lust-drunk haze.

“I know it was you.” He pins me with a knowing look.

“Just because you keep saying something over and over doesn’t make it true. Now get out.”

“Or what? What will you do, little liar? You have no friends here. No allies. If—when—the truth comes out, you’re done here. You get that, right? Make an enemy of the Heirs, make an enemy of the entire school.”

“You think that scares me? You think I give two shits about your pathetic little posh boys’ club or this fucking school? I didn’t ask to come here, and I certainly don’t plan on staying.”

Something passes over Theo’s face as he closes the distance between us again.

“You made a real stupid mistake pulling that shit. Watch your back, sunshine.” He storms over to my door and grabs the handle, throwing me a final warning look over his shoulder. “And stay the fuck away from my sister.”

* * *

“So, I heard a rumour this morning,” Millie says as we finish our game of Monopoly.

I hadn’t wanted to hang out after Theo’s little visit, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer.

And for the last hour, it’s been fine.


She hasn’t once mentioned her annoying brother or his friends.

Hasn’t stopped me thinking about Theo though. His body pressed close to mine, his fingers moving inside me. The obvious hunger in his eyes.

Jesus. I hadn’t expected that this morning.

And then the sneaky bastard left me high and dry.

“You did?” I ask, shaking the unwanted thoughts out of my head.

“Yeah, I was in the kitchen and Poppy and Cadence were in there. Apparently, someone tagged the Heirs’ cars last night.”

“They what?”

“Tagged, you know, graffitied.”

“I know what tagged means, Mills.” I roll my eyes.

“Someone drew caricatures of them all. Freaking caricatures on the car bonnets. I would have paid to see Elliot’s face. He’s so fucking weird about his precious Aston.”
