Page 61 of Brutal Callous Heir

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“Dude, I’m just trying to tell you how fucking awesome your sister is.”

Finally, Elliot shoves them both out of my room but not before he pauses in front of me too.

“I mean it, Theo. It wasn’t her so stay the fuck away.”

I glare right back, the muscle in my jaw ticking with tension.

“We’ll see,” I mutter just before he finally closes the door behind him leaving me with nothing but silence and my regrets about what didn’t happen in Raine’s dorm room.



“You know, Raine, this will go a lot smoother if you actually engage with the process.”

I glare at Miss Linley, hoping she’ll get the idea and leave me the hell alone. I’m not in the mood. Not today. Not after a morning of Theo watching me like a hawk.

It all started when the sixth form were herded into the hall for an assembly about the upcoming exams. Somehow, I ended up seated two rows in front of him which meant I had to spend the best part of thirty minutes with his heated stare burning into the back of my head.

As if that wasn’t enough, at morning break, he followed me into the cafeteria and watched me like some weird creepy stalker.

He knows the truth.

He just can’t prove it.

But there’s something else in his gaze, something predatory, something that calls to the dark corners of my heart.

Why did I have to get tangled up with him?

It’s the last thing I need.

He’s dangerous. And he’s not going to let this thing between us go, I realise that now.

Maybe part of me even banked on it.

Stupid girl. You know what happens when you play with bad boys…

I shut downthatlittle voice.

“Raine, come on, these sessions are here to help you. It’s a safe space. Anything you share is confidential.” I arch a brow at that, and she releases a heavy sigh. “You don’t trust me, I get it. But I am here to help.”

“Do you know how many times I’ve heard that before?”

“I’ve read your file.”


God, I hated that word. I hated that my life was reduced to a series of events and incidents. Dates on a page.

“Okay,” she says. “I can see this is difficult for you. Why don’t we start off with something easy. How are you settling in at All Hallows’?”

“It’s fine.” I shrug.

“Fine.” Her mouth twitches. “Have you made any friends? I’ve seen you talking to Millie Ashworth.”

“We’re in the same dorm and both attend therapy, so…”
